The wheat stripe rust resistance gene YrNAM is Yr10
Apr 17, 2024 · Independent analysis of mutants in a universal reference Yr10 stock by us identified changes in YrNAM. An agreed simplification of two separate gene identities conferring a common specificity to...
The stripe rust resistance gene Yr10 encodes an evolutionary ... - PubMed
The first seedling or all-stage resistance (R) R gene against stripe rust isolated from Moro wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using a map-based cloning approach was identified as Yr10. Clone 4B of this gene encodes a highly evolutionary-conserved and unique CC-NBS-LRR sequence.
Sequencing trait-associated mutations to clone wheat rust …
Jul 19, 2023 · Cloning resistance genes is critical for efficient and effective breeding of stripe rust resistant wheat cultivars. One resistance gene (Yr10CG) underlying the Pst resistance locus Yr10 has been...
An ancestral NB-LRR with duplicated 3′UTRs confers stripe rust ...
Sep 6, 2019 · Wheat stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a global threat to wheat production. Aegilops tauschii, one of the wheat progenitors, carries the YrAS2388 locus for...
The Stripe Rust Resistance Gene Yr10 Encodes an ... - ScienceDirect
Dec 1, 2014 · In the present study, we demonstrated that an expressed genomic sequence from chromosome 1B (clone 4B) constitutes the stripe rust resistance gene Yr10. Clone 4B represents a novel CC–NBS–LRR sequence and its presence in cultivars possessing Yr10 and in lines segregating for this gene was demonstrated.
Transcriptomic analysis of wheat reveals possible resistance …
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a catastrophic disease that threatens global wheat yield. Yr10 is a race-specific all-stage disease resistance gene in wheat. However, the resistance mechanism of Yr10 is poorly characterized.
Remapping of the stripe rust resistance gene Yr10 in common …
Feb 23, 2018 · The stripe rust resistance gene Yr10 confers the race-specific resistance to most tested Pst races in China including CYR29. Early studies proposed that Yr10 was a nucleotide-binding site, leucine-rich repeat gene archived as GenBank accession AF149112 (hereafter designated the Yr10 candidate gene or Yr10 CG ).
Fundamental wheat stripe rust research in the 21st century
Aug 30, 2016 · To date, Yr10 is the only cloned classic stripe rust R gene. Yr10 confers resistance to many stripe rust isolates world-wide, yet several Pst isolates virulent on Yr10 have emerged (Liu et al., 2014). The rapid local stepwise evolution of newly virulent Pst isolates is a characteristic of classic R genes and is known as the ‘boom and bust ...
小麦抗条锈菌基因Yr10抗病通路的初步解析 - 百度学术
小麦条锈病是由条形柄锈菌(Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici)引起的一类真菌病害,严重威胁我国小麦的生产.条形柄锈菌气流传播并且小种变异频繁,所以小麦条锈病的防治一直处于被动状态.大量的生产实践和科研表明,培育和种植对条锈病具有抗性的小麦是最经济安全和 ...
小麦抗条锈病基因Yr10的遗传分析 - 百度学术
本研究对前人报道的Yr10候选基因(Yr10CG,GenbankID AF149112)进行了验证,并开展了 Yr10 基因的遗传作图.研究发现 Yr10CG基因并不代表 Yr10 位点,二者相距1.2 cM.我们近一步开发了与Yr10基因紧密连锁的标记Xsdauw79.Yr10基因提供全生育期抗病性,Yr10 基因的准确定位将为小麦 …