The stripe rust resistance gene Yr10 encodes an evolutionary ... - PubMed
The first seedling or all-stage resistance (R) R gene against stripe rust isolated from Moro wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using a map-based cloning approach was identified as Yr10. Clone 4B of this gene encodes a highly evolutionary-conserved and unique CC-NBS-LRR sequence.
YR10AZT – Mulleys Motorways – bustimes.org
Scania N230UB OmniCity
小麦抗条锈菌基因Yr10抗病通路的初步解析 - 百度学术
小麦条锈病是由条形柄锈菌(Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici)引起的一类真菌病害,严重威胁我国小麦的生产.条形柄锈菌气流传播并且小种变异频繁,所以小麦条锈病的防治一直处于被动状态.大量的生产实践和科研表明,培育和种植对条锈病具有抗性的小麦是最经济安全和 ...
Discovery of stripe rust resistance with incomplete dominance in …
2022年8月17日 · In addition, we performed haplotype analysis for Avocet Yr differential lines carrying single genes Yr1, Yr5, Yr6, Yr7, Yr8, Yr9, Yr10, Yr17, Yr18, Yr24, Yr26, Yr27, Yr32, YrSp, YrA and confirmed...
Fleet list – Mulleys Motorways – bustimes.org
It’s really a list of Mulleys Motorways ticket machines, a byproduct of the live bus tracking. Remember: Ticket machines IDs sometimes don’t correspond with the actual vehicles they’re attached to. (Equipment gets swapped between vehicles, …
目前,中国小麦条锈菌主要以CYR32、CYR33和CYR34为主,大批携带 Yr10 和 Yr24 / Yr26 / YrCH42 的小麦品种丧失了条锈病抗性 [4] (图1),因此,需要对当前及今后一段时期小麦育种中的抗条锈病基因利用现状进行科学评估,以期为广谱持久多抗小麦品种的培育提供依据。 为了拓宽和丰富小麦抗条锈病基因资源库,国内外科技工作者不断从小麦推广品种、地方品种(农家种)、野生亲缘种及远缘物种中发掘抗条锈病基因,至今正式命名的抗条锈病基因已有86个(Yr1 — …
小麦抗条锈病基因Yr10功能结构域的初步探究 - 百度学术
本研究在Yr10的前期研究基础上展开,通过分析发现,目前克隆的Yr10抗病基因并不完整,并最终克隆获得Yr10基因全长,在此基础上对Yr10的功能结构域进行了初步研究.主要研究结果如下: 1.通过分析发现目前克隆的Yr10序列(AF149112)并不完整,并最终克隆到一条包含四个外显 ...
348份小麦种质中抗条锈病基因Yr5、Yr10和Yr18的分子标记检测与 …
In order to determine the distribution of stripe rust resistance genes Yr5, Yr10 and Yr18 among 348 wheat germplasms which were collected from many breeding units all over the country, their co-segregated or closely linked molecular markers S1320, SC200 and csLV34 were ...
【摘 要】Yr10基因是目前尚未被大面积应用的小麦条锈病抗性改良的良好基因源.以抗性水平不同的小麦品种及其近缘种共28份材料,进行Yr10第二外显子区功能标记开发的可行性探索,结果表明:本研究所用的小麦抗性材料中不含有Yr10基因,其抗性由其他抗性基因决定 ...
Analysis of Pst response on silenced and non-silenced Moro at 10 dpi.
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