ProQuatro Portable Multiparameter Water Quality Meter - YSI
Portable Meter for DO, Conductivity, Salinity, TDS, pH/ORP, Turbidity, Algae, Temperature and more.
Water Quality Monitoring System | ysi.com
Global Water's WQMS Water Quality Monitoring System allows you to monitor multiple water quality parameters with a fully integrated, easy-to-use, economical system.
YSI | Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring Meters and …
YSI has pioneered the development of high-quality water sensing instrumentation for use in environmental monitoring. Providing accurate water quality monitoring solutions, sampling, and turn-key equipment that is easy to use, install and ensures you obtain the highest-quality data in the field or laboratory.
ProPlus - 便携式多参数水质 - YSI
YSI ProPlus是本系列中的旗舰产品,拥有久经考验、YSI声誉保证的传感器技术, 结合多项突破性设计,功能更齐全、性能更稳定、操作更方便,外形设计匠心独具,并高度耐碰撞。 广泛应用于地表水、饮用水的水质测量;污水处理厂的溢流;湿地监测;盐潮入侵调研;实验室BOD测试及其它项目。 独特优势: 技术参数:
YSI 6920 Multiparameter Water Quality Meter - Pine Environmental
The YSI 6920 is an economical logging system for long-term, in situ monitoring and profiling. It will log all parameters at programmable intervals and store 150,000 readings. At 15-minute intervals, it will log data for about 30 days.
美国YSI Pro DSS 多参数水质测量仪 – 北京舒致科技有限公司
ysi便携式多参数水质测量仪用于点测量和剖面测量ph、氧化还原电位、溶解氧。 该产品可应用于地表水、地下水、沿海水域以及水产养殖地,耐用且可靠的ProDSS 多可测量17个参数,用户可以资讯更换传感器。
YSI | Xylem China
When purchasing YSI, you can expect proven products and technologies that provide true value and low TCO (total cost of ownership). Whatever your instrumentation need, YSI is ready to provide a reliable solution.
ProDSS Multiparameter Digital Water Quality Meter - YSI
YSI ProDSS multiparameter water quality meter measures a variety of parameters and is the most advanced handheld water quality meter.
YSI Water Quality - Instrumart
Portable digital sampling for the measurement of up to 17 water quality parameters, probe sold separately. Single channel input with wireless capability for pH, ORP, optical-Based DO/BOD, or conductivity. Rugged, reliable DO meter that is easy to operate while featuring user-replaceable sensors and cables .
YSI ProDSS Multiparameter Water Quality Meter - Xylem
The YSI ProDSS (digital sampling system) is a portable water quality multiparameter instrument for the measurement and testing of many critical parameters - dissolved oxygen (optical), total algae (Phycocyanin & Phycoerythrin), turbidity, pH, ORP/Redox, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), resistivity, Tota...
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