YSJ-250 Manual Stencil Printer : Paper Stencils - Amazon.com
2012年6月5日 · The YSJ-250 is an economical solution to any PCB solder paste application problem, at the cost of a fraction of other stencil printers and without loss in quality. Built with simplicity and reliability as the foremost priority, position and angle adjustment knobs are built in to easily align the stencil with the board.
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Your #1 Source For SMT Equipment - SMTmax
Manual Stencil Printer YSJ-250 Sale Price: $357.50 Economical solution to your PCB solder paste application problem at the cost of a fraction of other stencil printers. • Working area: 430mmx 350mm .
Automatic stencil printer YSJ-250 - DirectIndustry
The YSJ-250 is a manual stencil printer that is specially designed for printed circuit board solder paste applications. It is constructed with a working dimension of 430 x 350 mm and its screen frame and platform can be adjusted from 0 to 10 mm.
Manual Stencil Printer YSJ-250
Manual Stencil Printer YSJ-250 Sale Price: $345. Economical solution to your PCB solder paste application problem at the cost of a fraction of other stencil printers. l Working area: 430mmx350mm. l Max. X direction adjustment: 20mm.
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YSJ系列压缩机专用三相异步电动机-[报价-资料]--上海华邦工业商 …
YSJ系列电动机(中心高80-355mm, 0.37-315kW)自扇冷式鼠笼型转子三相异步电动机。 是在Y2系列基础上开发的派生系列.除具有Y2的性能特点外.还有如下特点:
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