Kayna - My Singing Monsters Wiki
Kayna is the Single-Element Monster of Fire, and is first unlocked on Fire Haven or Tribal Island. It was added on August 6th, 2015 during the 1.3.5 Tribal Island update, as a special Monster …
Rare Kayna - My Singing Monsters Wiki
Rare Kayna is a Single-Element Rare Fire Monster. It was added on November 25th, 2020 during Version 3.0.1. As a Rare Monster, it is only available at select times.
Kayna - My singing monsters guide Wiki
Kayna is a humanoid monster with a volcano-shaped head. It has overlapping rocks all over its torso and arms except in the stomach and hands region. It has hands that appear to be coal …
Kayna (species) | SM Toons Wiki | Fandom
Kayna are a species of volcanic humanoid monsters in My Singing Monsters series. Kayna is the Single-Element Monster of Fire, and is first unlocked on Fire Haven or Tribal Island. It was …
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Normal, Rare, and Epic Kayna on All Islands - YouTube
Normal, Rare, and Epic Kayna on All Islands - My Singing MonstersJoin us on a journey to discover the enchanting world of Kayna as we explore their Normal, R...
Kayna | Wiki | My Singing Monsters Amino Amino
“Bearers of the oldest Element of all, Rare Kaynas are an ancient breed from which all their Common cousins have sprung. Their intricate, tattoo-like carvings are bestowed upon them …
Epic Kayna - My Singing Monsters Wiki
Epic Kayna is a Single-Element Epic Fire Monster that is first unlocked on Fire Haven, and was the first Fire Epic to be introduced. It was added on March 17th, 2021 during Version 3.0.5. As …
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