Emblems & Logos - Y's Men International
The Y’s Men emblem consists first of a red triangle, the symbol long employed by the YMCA to denote its threefold programme of spirit, mind and body building. In the upper border of the triangle appears the word “I N T E R N A T I O N A L”, indicative of the scope of our purposes. Within the triangle a golden star sheds rays of light on a blue “Y”.
Home | Y's Men International
Y's Men International is oriented to serving the worldwide YMCA and the communities in which it is present throughout the world. Our mission is to strive through active service to develop, …
Downloads - Y's Men International
Our service clubs can promise you and your family the personal pleasure of fellowship and shared values and ideals plus the satisfaction of making your community a better place to live in.
Y's Men - Forside
Y's Men's logo og Motto; Historien; Hvem er vi; Fakta; Hvor er vi; Værdisæt; Historien. Den første klub; Historiebogen 65 år; Regionsledere siden 1946; Jubilæumsbog 2022 dansk; Jubilæumsbog engelsk; Frivillighedsbevis; Y´s Familien; Logo og Motto. Historien om vores logo; Hent Y's Men logo; Hent Y's Menette logo; Hent andre logoer;
The YMI Brand - Y's Men International
How many times have you said that you ‘loved’ a product or brand? Branding isn’t just about a name or logo. It embodies the personality of the business; it speaks volumes about who you are and where you are going. It gives people a reason to join and a reason to stay.
ysmen_logo_vector_cmyk_FINAL-02-01 – Y's Men International …
ysmen_logo_vector_cmyk_FINAL-02-01 Published May 4, 2020 at 2441 × 936 in ysmen_logo_vector_cmyk_FINAL-02-01 Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment .
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ys men logo 2015
Title: ys men logo 2015 Created Date: 7/11/2015 11:02:37 AM
Our 100 Years - Y's Men International
2021年7月28日 · In 2022, Y’s Men International will mark its 100th anniversary. Let it be a year of celebration, of sharing stories of our work, of introducing the world to our movement of global fellowship and service. Be inspired by the ‘Our 100 Years‘ brochure, provided to motivate clubs to celebrate 100 years of friendship and charity.
ysmen_logo_with_caring-01 – Y's Men International-Hong Kong …
ysmen_logo_with_caring-01. Published May 11, 2020 at 2257 × 576 in ysmen_logo_with_caring-01. Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment. ← Previous ...
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