Yuchu Xie's research works | Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (ZJU) …
Yuchu Xie's 4 research works with 7 citations and 599 reads, including: Climate and fragment area jointly affect the annual dynamics of seedlings in different functional...
You Xie - Google Scholar
Ziwei Yu National University of Singapore SoC Ph.D Student Verified email at u.nus.edu. ... M Chu, Y Xie, J Mayer, L Leal-Taixé, N Thuerey. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 39 (4), 75: 1-75: 13, 2020. 327 * 2020: A multi-pass GAN for fluid flow super-resolution. M Werhahn, Y Xie, M Chu, N Thuerey.
Coresidence With Elderly Parents: A Comparative Study of …
2011年2月1日 · Using recent survey data from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) on 1,655 married persons born in 1964-1976 in southeastern China and Taiwan, we studied coresidence with elderly parents using a multinomial probit model for coresidence type and an ordered probit model for residential distance.
You Xie's webpage
My research interests lie in computer graphics and vision, video generation, and physics-based simulation. I work as a Research Scientist, focusing on cutting-edge video generation algorithms for virtual human-related applications.
Yuchu Xie's research works | Lanzhou University, Lanzhou (LZU) …
Yuchu Xie's 6 research works with 283 citations and 562 reads, including: Integrating ecosystem services and landscape ecological risk into adaptive management: Insights...
Researching | Spatial zoning for land ecological consolidation in ...
Yu-chu XIE, Su-xin ZHANG, Bing LIN, Yin-jun ZHAO, Bao-qing HU. Spatial zoning for land ecological consolidation in Guangxi based on the ecosystem services supply and demand[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2020, 35(1): 217
Lattice Distortion Enhanced Hardness in High-Entropy Borides
2024年11月7日 · Taking high-entropy diborides (HEB 2) as the prototype, the hardening mechanisms of high-entropy borides are thoroughly investigated. Specifically, the equiatomic 4—9-cation single-phase HEB 2 ceramics (4—9HEB 2) are fabricated by an ultra-fast high-temperature sintering method.
Yuchu Xie - Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar profile for Yuchu Xie, with 15 highly influential citations and 10 scientific research papers.
M.Eng. You Xie, PhD candidate – Thuerey Group - TUM
My research topics are applying machine learning methods for fluid simulation & video generation. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student in Nils Thuerey ‘s group, at Technical University of Munich. I received my M.Eng. degree from Huazhong University of Science and …
Division of household labor in urban China: Couples’ education …
2024年8月1日 · In addition, it is commonplace that married children live with parents, and the fertility decline is likely to make this living arrangement even more prevalent (Chu, Xie, & Yu, 2011). Research on how co-residence with parents plays a role in couples’ household labor division would shed light on how extended families may exacerbate or mitigate ...