Tao Yu (余涛) | Home
Tao Yu is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at The University of Hong Kong and a director of the XLANG Lab (as part of the HKU NLP Group). He spent one year in the UW NLP Group working with Noah Smith, Luke Zettlemoyer, and Mari Ostendorf.
Tao Yu - Google Scholar
Tao Yu. Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Hong Kong. Verified email at cs.hku.hk - Homepage. Natural Language Processing Deep Learning. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. ... T Yu, CS Wu, XV Lin, B Wang, YC Tan, X Yang, D Radev, R Socher, ... ICLR 2021, 2021. 261 * 2021:
Yu Tao - the UWA Profiles and Research Repository
Dr Yu Tao is an Associate Professor in Chinese Studies at the University of Western Australia (UWA), where he coordinates the Chinese Studies course, which includes four streams of a major and two minors.
Yu Tao - Stevens Institute of Technology
I work on two broad research topics: 1) human resources in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). More specifically, I examine group differences in STEM education and workforce outcomes due to gender, race/ethnicity, immigration status, and the intersection of such personal characteristics.
Tao Yu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Tao Yu. Professor of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. ... T Yu, YX Zhang, S Sharma, X Zhang, YM Blanter, GEW Bauer. Physical review letters 124 (10), 107202, 2020. 52: 2020: Interactions between a magnon mode and a cavity photon mode mediated by traveling photons.
Tao Yu(于涛)_Yutao Lab@SIAT
Tao Yu is a professor in Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Yu received his B.Sc. degree in Shandong University, and Ph.D. from Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, He was a Postdoc fellow in Sysbio Lab in Chalmers University of Technology before ...
Tao Yu (俞涛) - Home
I am a Senior Researcher at Tencent, where I focus on reinforcement learning and game AI. My research interests lie in reinforcement learning, multimodal models, AIGC, etc. My final goal of research is to develop intelligent agents that can perceive, think and behave like humans.
Tao Yu's Homepage
Associate Researcher @ BNRist, Tsinghua University. My research area is 3D Vision, the intersection between Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Machine Learning. Currently, I'm focusing on the research of Light/Radiance Field Capture & Reconstruction and Motion Capture. You can check out my Youtube Channel for my research videos.
YU Tao|Science Tokyo
YU Tao - Specially Appointed Associate Professor at Science Tokyo, researching smart mobility, digital twin, autonomous driving, and wireless communications
Tao Yu Group (于涛教授课题组)
Ultrafast engineering and Keldysh formalism for dynamics. a) Gauge invariant dynamic equations in superconductors. 3. Superconducting mechanism in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene and cuprate family.