Yuan T. Lee - Wikipedia
Yuan Tseh Lee (Chinese: 李遠哲; pinyin: Lǐ Yuǎnzhé; Wade–Giles: Li³ Yüan³-che²; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Lí Oán-tiat; born 19 November 1936) is a Taiwanese chemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986 with John C. Polanyi and Dudley R. Herschbach for "contributions to the dynamics of chemical elementary processes".
李远哲(1986年诺贝尔化学奖获得者)_百度 ... - 百度百科
李远哲,1936年11月19日出生于中国台湾省新竹市,化学家, 诺贝尔化学奖 获得者, 美国艺术与科学院院士 、 美国国家科学院院士 、德国哥廷根科学院院士、台湾“ 中央研究院 ”院士、宗座科学院院士、美国 加州大学伯克利分校 荣誉退休教授 [4-5]。
Yuan T. Lee – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Yuan Tseh Lee was born on November 19, 1936 in Hsinchu, Taiwan. His father is an accomplished artist and his mother a school teacher. He started his early education while Taiwan was under Japanese occupation–a result of a war between China and Japan in 1894.
Yuan T. Lee | College of Chemistry
Yuan T. Lee. Title: Professor Emeritus. Department: Chemistry. Bio/CV: Born 1936; B.Sc. Taiwan University (1959) M.S. Tsinghua University (1961) Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (1965) Sloan Fellow (1969); Dreyfus Scholar (1971) Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1975)
Yuan T. Lee – Biographical - NobelPrize.org
Yuan Tseh Lee is President Emeritus at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Born in Taiwan in 1936, he received his B.S. degree from Taiwan University in 1959 and Doctorate from University of California, Berkeley in 1965.
Yuan T. Lee | Nobel Prize, Chemistry & Physics | Britannica
Yuan T. Lee (born Nov. 29, 1936, Hsin-chu, Taiwan) is a Taiwanese-American chemist who, with Dudley R. Herschbach and John C. Polanyi, received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1986 for his role in the development of chemical-reaction dynamics.
Yuan-Tseh Lee - Sinica
Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1979. Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 1980. Miller Professorship, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1981-82. Ernest O. Lawrence Award, U.S. Department of Energy, 1981. ShermanFairchild Distinguished Scholar, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 1983.
Y. T. Lee 321 understand the dependence of chemical reactivity on molecular orientation, (3) explore the nature of reaction intermediates and their subsequent decay dyna-mics, and (4) identify complex reaction mechanisms involving polyatomic radical products, the crossed molecular beams technique is most suitable [6, 7].
李远哲 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月27日 · 李远哲(Yuan Tseh Lee,1936年11月29日-),籍贯中国台湾新竹市,毕业于美国加州大学伯克利分校 [1],化学科学家,美国科学院院士,1986年诺贝尔化学奖得主。 1965年,获加州大学伯克利分校博士学位。 1974年,加入美国国籍并返回母校加州大学伯克利分校任教、同时担任美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室主任研究员。 1979年,获选为美国国家科学院院士。 1980年,获聘中国科学院化学研究所名誉教授。 1986年,获授美国国家科学奖章和获诺贝尔 …
Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee - Sinica
Structure and chemical behavior of highly reactive polyatomic radicals and unusual transient species; Mechanisms and dynamics for elementary chemical reactions and primary photodissociation processes