8月5号奥提斯(奥德修斯) - 哔哩哔哩
奥德修斯(奥德赛斯,希腊语:Ὀδυσσεύς,转写:Odysseus)也作“尤利西斯”(拉丁语:Ulixes,转写:Ulysses) 1,我的名字是奥提斯. 2,我的名字是“没有人” 注意:这个Outis是奥德修斯欺骗polyphemus时使用的名字 备注:关于polyphemus,polyphemus作名词时译为“波吕斐摩斯(希腊神话中的独眼巨人)”。 I hope you'l remember it well,Executive Manager. 我希望你能好好记清楚这些,管理者先生。 Εγω εχω我有. μια οικογενεια一个家庭. Ειχαν την他们有. Δικιά …
奥提斯 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
奥提斯 (Outis)是《边狱巴士公司》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 原型来源史诗《奥德赛》。 如果您能力超群,该罪人将成为您最强而有力的臂膀。 然而,她也喜欢多管闲事,我们建议您用礼貌用语附和一下,不必深究。 她在包括战术在内的多项技能上都算得上是专家,向她寻求帮助十分有效。 顺带一提,她对工坊相关的技术也有所了解,您大可放心地让她负责修复边狱巴士。 【注意】:与其他罪人不同,请勿查阅任何有关于该罪人的过往信息! 【警告】:请密切关注此罪人 …
Outis and what we've learned on this Odyssey with her until now
Outis is my favorite sinner by far, so I've spent a good amount of time thinking about her. There's a bunch to actually glean about who she might actually be not only from the recent updates, but the ID's as well, as the ID's still carry the personality traits of the sinners with the exception of ID's that are obviously based off other people ...
I can't tell if Outis is just suspicious or secretly very nice.
2023年4月7日 · Crack theory time: Outis is Dias who is helping LC under a false persona and identity in aniticipation to betray them once they are no longer useful. Her simping is actually her just mimicing her own subordinates in the Udjat.
Who is Outis, and the Gods of City (Library of Runia True End ... - Reddit
2023年5月30日 · This is what I am suggesting: Outis is a depowered Arbiter of the head, undergoing her journey back to her wife and home. Why is Outis an Arbiter? Well lucky for us, A corp seems to love tagging their workers, as both named Arbiters we’ve met …
Outis - Limbus Company Wiki
Outis is a brusque and assertive woman with a poorly-disguised inclination to look down on those around her. She was previously affiliated with the Smoke War, having gained a tendency to judge others based on her experiences there prior to joining Limbus Company. She will be the focus character of the currently unannounced Canto XI.
【yum707定制合集】 你喜欢哪个瞬间的我呢? Yummy707 …
search person_outlinekeyboard_backspace Search【yum707定制合集】 你喜欢哪个瞬间的我呢?
Outis (@youngoutis) • Instagram photos and videos
2,621 Followers, 855 Following, 12 Posts - Outis (@youngoutis) on Instagram: "@uprise.ct"
Outis Quartet (@outisquartet) • Instagram photos and videos
441 Followers, 387 Following, 57 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Outis Quartet (@outisquartet)
Vueling Blog | Yummy ice cream from Catania!
One ofthe featuresto look outis that their colorsare soft, which indicates that carries no dyes.For example, almond should be all white, and pistachio, will be more an off greenish, not garish green.