Yun-Harla | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Yun-Harla, also known as the Trickster, was the Goddess of Deception of the Yuuzhan Vong. The deity was also often referred as the 'Cloaked One' or 'Cloaked Goddess'; it was she who oversaw escalations .
[角色] 遇战疯8名神祗 - Star Wars China
2011年3月9日 · 云-哈拉(Yun-Harla) Yun-Harla, also known as the Trickster, was the Goddess of Deception of the Yuuzhan Vong. The deity was also often referred as the 'Cloaked One' or 'Cloaked Goddess'; it was she who oversaw escalations. She was known as the sister to Yun-Yammka, their God of War.
Battle Group of Yun-Harla | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Battle Group of Yun-Harla was one of the five battle groups that served within the Yuuzhan Vong warfleet under the command of Warmaster Tsavong Lah during the Battle of Ebaq 9.
【遇战疯人】遇战疯人战斗群 - 哔哩哔哩
云-遇战战斗群是遇战疯人在埃巴克9号卫星战役中使用的五个战斗群之一。 It was under the direct command of Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Initially, the Yun-Yuuzhan battle group, along with the Yun-Harla battle group, were kept in reserve.
Shrine of Yun-Harla | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Shrine of Yun-Harla was a shrine the Yuuzhan Vong built on Coruscant after they had Vongformed the planet into Yuuzhan'tar. Dedicated to the Goddess of Deception, a vast pit of water was located before the Shrine, filled with p'hiili …
Yuuzhan Vong: Leaders, Gods, Weapons, and War
2024年9月23日 · The Yuuzhan Vong, also known as the “Children of Yun-Yuuzhan” were a nomadic, sentient species from outside the galaxy, almost destroying the New Republic during their invasion. Their conflict resulted in the deaths of more than 300 trillion sentient beings.
星球大战《传承》漫画中的名词翻译索引 - Star Wars China
2009年6月23日 · 回flyceit老兄,大陆翻译出版的星战小说、图册以及公映的国语配音版里大都译作“武士”,而原力运用在很多国人眼中就是一种特殊的武功。 事实上,因为“绝地武士”的名头太响,我论坛把Jedi Order都翻成了“绝地武士团”。 CGI/PHP程序错误:实际用户ID无法改变! 对,其实把Knight翻译成“武士”,把Order翻译成“武士团”都是很不确切的。 但这两个译名名气太响,流传太广,几乎约定俗成了,因此我们不得不接受。 如果他们是新译名,我肯定早就改掉了。 消 …
this Yuuzhan Vong deity was known as the Cloaked Goddess, or the Trickster. She was often prayed to in tandem with Yun-Yammka, in order for the warrior to have guidance as well as strength in his battle. Yun-Harla was never visible to her servants, and was never actually portrayed in Yuuzhan Vong writings or pictures.
Yun-Harla | Jedipedia | Fandom
Yun-Harla ist die Zwillingsschwester des Kriegsgottes Yun-Yammka. Dargestellt wird sie in Staturen und Kunstobjekten als eine schlanke Frau, deren Gestalt größtenteils durch einen Umhang und deren Gesicht durch Schatten verborgen wird.
YUUZHAN VONG - Complete Wermo's Guide
Yuuzhan Vong is the language spoken by the race of aliens called Yuuzhan Vong, who are excessivley violent and use Bioengineering for everything imaginable; from their spacecraft to their clothes, EVERYTHING is alive.