Yushiro - Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki
Yushiro (愈 ゆ 史 し 郎 ろう Yushirō?) is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is the traveling companion of Tamayo and a close ally of Tanjiro Kamado. Yushiro was turned into a demon by Tamayo when he had a terminal illness. [3]
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愈史郎 - 百度百科
愈史郎(ゆしろう),漫画《鬼灭之刃》及其衍生作品中的角色,由山下大辉配音。 愈史郎是与鬼舞辻无惨敌对的鬼,珠世的随从,重病濒死时被珠世变成了鬼而存活下来的青年。 [6] 原型来自 鬼灭之刃 的前身短篇漫画《过狩り狩り》的配角,与 珠世 共同登场。 脾气暴躁,个性傲娇,爱慕着珠世,认为珠世不论何时都是最美丽的,因此讨厌著任何和珠世有所接触的人,尤其是炭治郎(对炭治郎的讨厌只是单纯因为不想让其接近珠世,并非憎恨)。 跟珠世一样不吃人只要饮用少 …
Yushiro | Kimetsu no Yaiba Fan Wiki | Fandom
Yushiro (愈 ゆ 史 し 郎 ろう Yushirō?) is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is the traveling companion of Tamayo and a close ally of Tanjiro Kamado. Yushiro was turned into a demon by Tamayo when he had a terminal illness.
Yushiro | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Yushiro (愈史郎) is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is the traveling companion of Tamayo and a close ally of Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado. Yushiro was turned into a demon by Tamayo when he had a terminal illness.
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Yushiro - Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) - Tokyo Otaku Mode
Yushiro (愈史郎) is a Demon that is shown to be close to Tamayo, Yushiro also allies with the main protagonist, Tanjiro Kamado in the Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) series. Yushiro has been in...
Demon Slayer: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Yushiro - CBR
2020年6月26日 · Most fans remember Yushiro as a complete tsundere. He is harsh on the outside but a softie (of sorts) on the inside. One of his most remarkable physical attributes is his silver-greyish hair, which seems to be extremely tame when compared to the outrageous hair colors some of the Demon Slayer characters are now famous for having.
Yushiro: Tamayo's Assistant and Protector in Demon Slayer
Yushiro is a key supporting figure in “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.” As Tamayo’s companion and an ally to Tanjiro Kamado, Yushiro’s life took a significant turn when Tamayo transformed him into a demon to save him from a fatal illness.
Yushiro - NamuWiki
2025年2月7日 · Yushiro is momentarily taken aback by Muzan's quick abandonment, but immediately regains her senses and uses the power of Nakime, who has gathered as much as possible, to escape Muzan and her Demon Slayer crew to the surface.