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23 Terms Only US Marines Will Understand - Military.com
2015年3月23日 · Instead of “oohrah,” Marines will often just say “yut” when in the presence of motivational speeches and/or talk of blowing things up. A play on the Marine Corps motto of “Semper Fidelis (Latin...
With the YouTube Music app, enjoy over 100 million songs at your fingertips, plus albums, playlists, remixes, music videos, live performances, covers, and hard-to-find music you can’t get anywhere...
yut - Urban Dictionary
1. a motivational word used in the U.S. Military, similar to the word oorah - often used when one is either too lazy or not motivated enough to say oorah or other popular word of motivation. 2. used when in a large group of military members. When they shout a motivational term on cue, some may shout "YUT!"
yut Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
2018年4月13日 · Since at least the 20th century, yut has been a motivational exclamation used to show enthusiasm. It may be a variant on yes or the drill command, ten-hut. The term is sometimes used in place of another popular Marine-ism, Oorah!, originating as a battle cry.
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Amazon.com: Yut Nori Korean Game
Gashina Yutnori (Yunnori 윷놀이) with Gonggi 10pcs (공기) - Konggi Gong Gi Korean Jacks Stone Game- Korea's Traditional Board Game YUT Set for Party, New Year, Thanks Giving, Family, Friends and Everyone.
YUT YUT on Steam
YUT YUT is a game about TANKS containing TANKS in which many TANKS die. Fight through this TANKy TANK game to face your mortal TANK enemy and reclaim your TANK village's lost cabbage god. TANKS
How To Play Yut Nori: Korea’s Traditional New Year’s Game
If you live in Korea and stay through a traditional Korean holiday, chances are high that you will come across the traditional Korean game known as yut nori (윷노리). Even if you’re not celebrating with a family, you can find the game played at schools, yut nori sets can be found at folk museums, and you can even find sets in local toy stores.