庾信(513年-581年),字子山,小字兰成。 祖籍 南阳郡 新野县 (今河南省南阳市新野县),生于湖北江陵 [63]。 中国 南北朝 后期官员、文学家, 南梁 中书令 庾肩吾 之子。 [61] 庾信出身于一个“七世举秀才”“五代有文集” [1] 的家族,“幼而俊迈,聪敏绝伦”,成为昭明太子 萧统 的侍读,后来又与 徐陵 出任太子 萧纲 的东宫学士,累官右卫将军,封武康县侯。 在此期间他成为 宫体文学 的代表作家,其文学风格被称为“ 徐庾体 ”。 侯景之乱 时,庾信逃往 江陵,投靠 梁元帝,并奉 …
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庾信的诗词全集、作品集 (共241首)_国学荟
他自幼随父亲 庾肩吾 出入于 萧纲 的宫廷,后来又与 徐陵 一起任 萧纲 的东宫学士,成为宫体文学的代表作家;他们的文学 风 格,也被称为“徐庾体”。 侯景叛乱时, 庾信 逃往江陵,辅佐梁元帝。 后奉命出使西魏,在此期间,梁为西魏所灭。 北朝君臣一向倾慕南 方文 学, 庾信 又久负盛名,因而他既是被强迫,又是很受器重地留在了北方,官至车骑大 将军 、开府仪同三司;北周代魏后,更迁为 骠骑 大将军、开府仪同三司,封侯。 时陈朝与北周通好,流寓人士,并许归还 故 …
YuXin – TheCubicle
Yuxin is a Chinese cube brand famous for its big cubes and economy line, Little Magic. In 2018, Yuxin launched a collaboration with professional speedcuber Kevin Hays to create the Hays7, one of the most dominant pieces of cubing hardware recently seen.
喻芯半导体专注于存储芯片设计研发、模组设计、测试与销售等服务,致力于为全球客户提供高性能的存储芯片设计、完整的DRAM和NAND Flash相关存储产品,包括SPI NAND、PPI NAND …
Yuxin Chen (陈宇新) | NYU Shanghai
Yuxin Chen is the Dean of Business, the Director of the NYU Shanghai Center for Business Education and Research (CBER), and a Distinguished Global Professor of Business at NYU Shanghai. He also has an affiliation with the Marketing Department at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at NYU.
Yuxin's Homepage
I’m building large multimodal models at Moonshot AI. We’re hiring top talents in China and US. Prior to this, I worked at Google Brain on foundation models, and at Facebook AI Research on computer vision. I have expertise in research and infrastructure for deep learning and …
YuXin Cubes | SpeedCubeShop | Highest Rated Speed Cube Store
YuXin offers a wide range of cubes catering to beginners and professional cubers. Our collection showcases the finest YuXin cubes created for smooth and fast solving. Whether you're interested in 3x3 speed cubes, shape-shifting puzzles, or magnetic variants, our YuXin collection has something to grab your interest.
Yuxin Chen - Wharton Statistics and Data Science
2025年3月9日 · I am an associate professor of Statistics and Data Science and of Electrical and Systems Engineering at University of Pennsylvania.
Yuxin Wang - Google 学术搜索
Exploring the background integrity and erasure exhaustivity properties. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
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