Ship YUXIN SATU (Bulk Carrier) Registered in Indonesia - Vessel …
Vessel YUXIN SATU is a Bulk Carrier, Registered in Indonesia. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of YUXIN SATU including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9321005, MMSI 525701011, Call sign YDJJ3
YUXIN SATU, Bulk Carrier - Details and current position - VesselFinder
The current position of YUXIN SATU is at Indonesia reported 18 hours ago by AIS. The vessel arrived at the port of Bunati Anch., Indonesia on Mar 15, 07:46 UTC. The vessel YUXIN SATU (IMO 9321005, MMSI 525701011) is a Bulk Carrier built in 2007 (18 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Indonesia .
YUXIN SATU - Bulk Carrier (IMO: 9321005, MMSI: 525701011 ...
The vessel YUXIN SATU (IMO: 9321005, MMSI: 525701011) is a Bulk Carrier that was built in 2007 ( 18 years old ). It's sailing under the flag of [ID] Indonesia . In this page you can find informations about the vessels current position, last detected port calls, and …
YUXIN SATU - vesseltracker.com
Details for the ship Yuxin Satu , IMO 9321005, Cargo Ship, Position Java Sea with current real time AIS position and ship photos by vesseltracker.com.
YUXIN SATU Bulk Carrier, IMO 9321005 - Marine Vessel Traffic
YUXIN SATU current position is received by AIS. Ship info reports, fleet analysis, company analyses, address analyses, technical specifications, tonnages, management details, addresses, classification society data and all other relevant statistics are …
YUXIN SATU Bulk Carrier, IMO 9321005 - Marine Vessel Traffic
Vessel YUXIN SATU is a bulk carrier ship sailing under the flag of Indonesia. Her IMO number is 9321005 and MMSI number is 525701011. Main ship particulars are length of 189 m and beam of 32 m.
YUXIN SATU Current Position (Bulk Carrier, MMSI: 525701011, …
Real-time and current position of YUXIN SATU (Bulk Carrier, MMSI: 525701011, IMO: 9321005) on ais live map is in South China Sea with coordinates 1.35747° / 104.49071° and speed 10.8 knots as reported on 2024-02-23 11:43 by AIS live data.
YUXIN SATU – Bulk Carrier, IMO 9321005, Flag INDONESIA
The vessel YUXIN SATU (IMO: 9321005, MMSI 538002382) is a Bulk Carrier built in 2007 (17 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of INDONESIA. The current position of YUXIN SATU is at coordinates 5.22315 S / 115.518 E, reported 36 minutes ago by AIS.
船只 YUXIN SATU - IMO: 9321005 - Bulk Carrier
YUXIN SATU (IMO: 9321005) 是一艘 Bulk Carrier 属于 Marshall Islands. YUXIN SATU 建造于 2007. YUXIN SATU 船长(LOA) 是 189.99m, 船宽 32.26m.
YUXIN SATU Marine Traffic current location right now
What is the current position of YUXIN SATU right now by Marine Traffic? Ship YUXIN SATU is a bulk carrier ship waving the flag of Indonesia. Vessel's IMO number is 9321005, MMSI number is 525701011. The ship is 189 m long and having a beam of 32 m.