Growing yuzu and sudachi | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2023年6月1日 · A friend has a backyard in east Van they do nothing with, and I have the opportunity to plant yuzu. I figure it will hold about 14 mature plants. I'd like to do this project from seed but have not been able to find all the information I believe I will need. 1. From what I've read yuzu take 15-20 years to fruit, unless grafted.
Yuzu citrus - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2019年4月1日 · Normally Yuzu in the wild has a moderately dwarfed growing habit, which means that even though citrus grown from seed usually takes a long time to fruit because it is not on a different rootstock, this only half applies to Yuzu (in fact Yuzu is …
Yuzu citrus - overwintering? - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2012年8月19日 · Yuzu definitely needs to be kept in a sheltered, well-drained place - I planted mine against the house under the gutters. The only problem with this location is that it gets too dry in the summer and I have to water daily. Yuzu will also drop its leaves when it gets extremely cold (-8 or -9) but will pick up where it left off the following spring.
Citrus Pre-Order for Canadian Gardeners from Phoenix Perennials
2019年12月11日 · Yuzu Ichandrin – Yuzu is prized in Japan for flavoring, juice and preserves producing abundant, easy-to-peel, 3 inch diametre fruit with tasty, lemon-lime flavour. It has also become a hot item for foodies in North America. This Citrus is super hardy to about minus 18 degrees Celsius and can be easily grown outdoors in coastal BC year round ...
Yuzu citrus - overwintering? | Page 2 - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2012年8月19日 · The tree, including most of the other hardy citrus trees, tend to produce fruit off and on, every other year (with different trees in fruit each year). I think going as far north as Seattle, you get less heat, so the trees might have to reach a much bigger size to begin fruiting, and to reach that size could take a long time (maybe 5 to 8 years ...
Citrus and Rare Fruit Pre-Order for 2023 from Phoenix Perennials
2023年1月17日 · Our Citrus and Rare Fruit Pre-Order is on now at Phoenix Perennials. Pre-ordering is open for pick-up or shipping within Canada for spring 2023. You can order at www.phoenixperennials.com. Here is the current list: Asimina triloba KSU-Atwood Asimina triloba KSU-Benson Asimina triloba KSU-Chappell
Hardy citrus growing outside in Vancouver - UBC Botanical Garden …
2019年4月3日 · This is a picture of a 7 year old Yuzu tree in Vancouver BC, about 8 feet tall and bears over 200 "lemons" yearly. (I archived this picture along with the accompanying description from Tropic to Tropic Plants) Yuzu has many excellent culinary uses, though is …
Yuzu citrus | Page 2 | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2022年2月7日 · I ordered the seeds from Trade Winds Fruit: Citrus junos - Yuzu They came really fresh, they recommend using them as quick as possible. They cost me 3.50$ and 9$ for the shipping= 13$ (Canadian dollar)
Hardy Citrus in Washington state | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2019年3月27日 · "My Yuzu limes have survived three days of 10 degree weather with just some minor stem damage. It is producing lots of good fruit with no freeze damage the last two years. I use my trifoliate orange to make a household cleaning solution by soaking cut up and squeezed oranges in white vinegar. I am in Southern Oregon.
Sudachi - Japanese Citrus | UBC Botanical Garden Forums
2008年3月23日 · I have a Sudachi, but almost never use the fruit. The fruit is very seedy, and does not contain all that much juice, sort of like a Yuzu. Could be used for squeezing over fish, or a salad. It is supposed to contain a high percentage of Vitamin C. If Vancouver has a large Japanese population, you "might" be able to find the fruit.