Changhe Z-18 - Wikipedia
The Changhe Z-18, also known as Z-8G, [1] is a medium-lift transport helicopter developed by Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) to replace the Changhe/Harbin Z-8.
直-18 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
直-18,是 中華人民共和國 自行研制的中大型通用 直升机。 海军型于2013年中首次露面,预警型于2014年露面,陆军型于2014年底露面 [1]。 它是由中航工业昌河飞机工业集团在 直-8 直升 …
中国昌河Z-18型直升机_Changhe Z-18_GlobalMil-环球防务网
直-18(代号:z-18),是中国自行研制的一型舰载中型反潜直升机。 直-18已经发展出陆军型与海军型。 2014年2月,模仿法国设计的直-18反潜战直升机开始进行测试。
中国Z-18直升机:创下9,000米高度纪录的翱翔之旅 - 知乎
z-18 直升机是一款全新的中国军用运输直升机。 它由昌河飞机工业集团(CAIG)开发。 它是由中航工业直升机(AVIC)AC313商用运输直升机演进而来,而AC313又是Z-8海军反潜战和多用 …
Changhe Z-18 - Helis.com
The Z-18 has a digital avionics system and advanced electronic flight instrument landing system. Known variants includes both Army and Naval version in used on Chinese aircraft carrier …
CAIC Z-18 Medium-Lift, Multirole Military Helicopter - Military Factory
2022年8月12日 · The Changhe Z-18 is a locally-designed, developed, and produced multi-role / multi-mission large helicopter serving the Chinese military in several capacities. The type is an …
Changhe Z-18 - Helicopter - GlobalMilitary.net
2010年3月18日 · The Changhe Z-18 is a military helicopter developed by the Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation. Originating in China, it was designed to fulfill various military tasks and …
Changhe Z-18 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Z-18 is a single-rotor helicopter with tail rotor and a non-retractable landing gear, thought to be based on the Avicopter AC313, an updated design based on the earlier Harbin Z-8. A naval …
Changhe Z-18 - Wikiwand
The Changhe Z-18, also known as Z-8G, is a medium-lift transport helicopter developed by Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) to replace the Changhe/H...
Z-18 transport helicopter - GlobalSecurity.org
The Z-18 series transport helicopters developed by China's Changhe Aircraft Manufacturing Company were made public in China’s military media at the end of December 2014, according …