Harbin Z-20 - Wikipedia
The Harbin Z-20 (Chinese: 直-20) is a Chinese medium-lift utility helicopter produced by the Harbin Aircraft Industry Group (HAIG). It was first flown on 23 December 2013 and has a maximum takeoff weight in the range of 10 tonnes (22,000 lb).
直-20 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
直-20 (代号“ 神雕 ”)是由 哈尔滨飞机工业集团 研製的一款10吨级中型通用飛行器,于2013年12月23日首飞 [6],在陆海空三军中都扮演着重要角色。 自20世纪80年代以来, 中国人民解放军空军 就提出了对高空中型通用直升机的需求,以用于中国西部山区。 中美進入蜜月期後的1983年,为了解决边防部队,特别是驻高原一线哨所补给困难的问题,中央军委决定自美國引进一型适应青藏高原恶劣气候环境的先进运输直升机。 1984年7月,在白宮促成下,中方向 西科斯基飞 …
Z-20F helicopter confirmed in service by Chinese Navy - ChinaArms
2021年1月8日 · The South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Army publicized its combat exercise images on January 6, and for the first time confirmed that the Z-20 anti-submarine type has been in service, which is called Z-20F by the outside. Warships dispatched for the exercise include “Yuncheng” 054A missile frigate, “Yongzhou” 056A missile frigate, and the
Z-20 Medium-Lift Utility Helicopter - Army Technology
2020年1月29日 · The Z-20 helicopter is a new medium-lift utility helicopter operated by China’s People’s Liberation Army Ground Force. The helicopter resembles the UH-60 Black Hawk twin-engine rotorcraft built by Sikorsky. The Z-20 entered active service with the Chinese armed forces in …
细说直-20F舰载反潜直升机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
直-20F被设计为一架多用途舰载反潜直升机,其核心任务是航空反潜作战,同时具备反舰、对地攻击作战能力,为此该机同时装有机载水面搜索雷达、吊放式声呐、声呐浮标发射器、磁异探测器和光电瞄准具,同时还装有用于夜间和恶劣天气下飞行的气象雷达/防撞雷达和卫星通讯系统,在一架最大起飞重量10吨的直升机上同时安装这些先进设备,使其成为中国机载作战系统最复杂和全面的直升机。 该机的定位和能力类似于2005年首飞的 MH-60R 多用途反潜直升机。 机载水面搜索 …
This Is Our Best Look Yet At China's Z-20F Seahawk Clone Toting …
2021年1月13日 · A new, much clearer picture has emerged of a Chinese Z-20F helicopter, the navalized variant of the Harbin Z-20, carrying what appears to be a load of eight live KD-10 air-to-ground/surface missiles. The image confirms that China is evaluating at least two different stub wing designs for the Z-20 family, which are generally described as clones ...
2024年3月25日 · Z-20F反潜直升机具有新型吊装声纳系统、空基低频声纳等先进设备,将极大提升055型驱逐舰的反潜能力。 众所周知,055型万吨级驱逐舰是我国自行研制的新一代军舰。 这也是我国第一艘排水量超过万吨的驱逐舰。 它也是当今世界上最强大的驱逐舰。 该舰无论是在吨位、电子设备、武器装备、设计理念等方面都已经处于世界前列。 055型万吨级大型驱动器排名世界第二,但或许没有人敢排名第一。 由于055型万吨级驱逐舰非常先进,许多国家在设计军舰时都 …
2021年1月8日 · 直-20是我国自主研制的一款中型多用途通用直升机,它采用单旋翼尾桨、低位后置平尾构型,采用低阻气动外形、高性能旋翼气动布局总体设计。 它也是我国首次应用电传飞控系统、首次使用自主研制的旋翼防除冰系统等多项“首次”的国产直升机,填补了我国直升机的多项空白,实现了直升机技术从第三代到第四代的跨越。 从目前来看,直-20通用直升机已经衍生出了陆航版和海航版两种机型。 其中,海航版直-20中还分出了舰载通用型和反潜型。 资料图:各版 …
Chinese Navy has commissioned Z-20F/J SAR naval version of Z …
2020年6月21日 · According to pictures released by the China Defense Blog on June 20, 2020, the Chinese Navy has commissioned Z-20F also called Z-20J by other Chinese sources, a naval version of the Chinese-made Harbin Z-20 medium-lift utility helicopter produced by the Harbin Aircraft Industry Group (HAIG).
Z-20 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Z-20F is the naval variant of the Z-20 medium-lift helicopter and is expected to be deployed by the PLA Navy (PLAN) onboard its new Type 055 destroyers and new aircraft carriers. The Z-20F helicopter designed to perform anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missions could be provided to the Type 052D destroyers as well.