Z Scale | TrainBoard.com - The Internet's Original
2006年1月29日 · Z Scale - 1:220. The TrainBoard discussion forum is one of the Internet's oldest railfan, railroad and model railroad-related websites; online continuously since March 2000.
Question Z Scale PCC Trolley - TrainBoard
2017年12月5日 · Well, yes. Mind you, 3 mm in Z is 660 mm (or some 26 inches) gauge in real life, so we are talking very narrow gauge. Check this video, the maker used a t-gauge chassis in …
Question Which DCC system is best for Z scale? - TrainBoard
2012年7月4日 · I have used digitrax in N scale before coming to Z scale but have not regretted staring with power cab in Z scale and I now use it with my n-scale as well.I even sold my …
Z SCALE Z Rolling Stock STL Files - TrainBoard
2023年9月29日 · These are the same Z scale models I've designed and printed myself. They're made for a filament printer, but they could be done on a resin printer. (If anyone makes them …
Minimum turn radius | TrainBoard.com - The Internet's Original
2007年12月4日 · In any case, "to each his own"; I certainly hope your project will work out to your own (key word there) satisfaction. As for me, I hope to take full advantage of what Z scale can …
Interior/Lighting for Z-Scale Passenger Cars - TrainBoard
2016年10月18日 · The only other light boards I know of are the ones from SBS4DCC. They are Made To Order as are his Z scale trucks with power pick-ups. You have to order them or email …
New to Z Scale... | TrainBoard.com - The Internet's Original
2019年11月28日 · Welcome the the Z Scale forum! There is lots of info here to help, and searching this form on specific topics can yield great info. I built an HO layout first, 4 N Scale …
Z scale power connections | TrainBoard.com - The Internet's Original
2025年1月13日 · My Z scale power connection track appears to have a capacitor wired into it. Is this mandatory for Marklin trains? The easiest way to solder power feeds is to solder to the rail …
A Safe Power Source For Z Scale - TrainBoard.com
2015年9月6日 · Most Z newer scale locomotives draw less than 100 miliamps. Even the older slot car motors don't draw much more than 400 miliamps. Most power packs make 2 amps or …
Z scale sound | TrainBoard.com - The Internet's Original
2011年2月11日 · The first option is an MRC sound station, the second is an N scale sound decoder (I run DCC). I was wondering if anyone has used an N scale sound decoder in a Z …