Z-MaT stands for Zhenhuan Machine Tool Company, one of the largest and fastest-growing manufacturers of machine tools in the world. Z-MaT produces a wide range of CNC machines, including CNC Turning Centers, Horizontal CNC Lathes, Vertical Machining Centers, CNC Milling Machines, and Special Purpose Machines.
震环机床集团,专注于专业机床产品的研发与制造。 公司产品涵盖数控车床、加工中心、车铣复合及自动化设备,拥有超200款机型。 致力于成为全球机床行业的领航者,提供高精尖的生产设备,打造国际一流的震环品牌,推动制造业健康、快速发展。 以专业、专注的精神,为客户提供先进的生产应用解决方案。 2022年11月17日,原中国教育部部长、原中国工程院院长、国家制造强国建设战略咨询委员会主任周济院士及玉环当地一... 根据《台州市装备制造业重点领域首台 (套) …
Z-Mat Specializes In CNC Machine Production And Tool Manufacturing, Offering Advanced Precision Machinery Solutions. Discover Our High-Quality, Innovative CNC Technologies.
F855 - zh.zmat.com
为了提高您的生产效率,Z-MaT F系列立式加工中心标配48m/min快速移动、高速ATC、大螺距C3滚珠丝杠、圆柱滚子直线导轨。 F系列机器的全方位设计增强了性能,广泛应用于5G、IT、航空航天和国防工业。
Z-MaT - 领英 (中国)
Z-MaT has exported CNC machines to over 80 countries, recognized as a pioneer and leader in supplying complete smart manufacturing solutions world-wide. Z-MaT is committed to building...
Northwest Numerics, Inc. is proud to be celebrating its 20th year providing state-of-the-art finite element analysis and material simulation software products. The Z-set package includes the Z-mat material constitutive model library, and a full-featured general purpose FEA solver Zebulon.
Z-mat Material Modeling
Z-mat 8.3 is NW Numerics' primary software product we sell and develop and provides a full-featured material modeling add-on to finite element analysis codes. The library provides advanced consitutitive models in a flexible framework for a multitude of …
Z-set | Z-mat
Z-mat is an integral part of the Z-set suite, but can also be used as a material library plugin for major finite element solvers: Abaqus, Ansys, Samcef, LS-Dyna, MSC Software, etc. It provides a collection of constitutive models, as well as an environment for developing new models.
震环机床集团 Z-MaT(以下简称震环机床集团)是中国数控机床行业知名品牌,专业从事机床产品的研发、制造。 震环机床集团拥有机床型号超过200款,并积极提供客制化,致力于为全球用户提供专业的机床及生产应用解决方案。
Z-MaT has More Than 200 Models of CNC machines in the company product line. Z-MaT has exported CNC machines to over 80 countries, recognized as a pioneer and leader in supplying complete smart manufacturing solutions worldwide.
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