Kawasaki Z H2 | Hypersport Motorcycle | Supercharged …
The Kawasaki Z H2 hypersport motorcycle delivers supercharged exhilaration in aggressive Z styling, featuring a 998cc engine and advanced performance engineering.
Z H2(カワサキ)のバイクを探すなら【グー ... - GooBike
Z H2(カワサキ)のバイクを探す。新車・中古バイク情報のことなら【バイク、まるごと。グーバイク(GooBike)】!日本最大のバイク掲載台数を誇るバイク情報サイト!全国の新車・中古バイクが様々な条件で検索可能です。
Kawasaki | Z H2 (ZR1000-K)
z h2 (zr1000-k) SUPERCHARGED-超級街車 搭載機械增壓引擎的超級街車-Z H2,在SUGOMI的設計理念下獲得更前衛的進化,俯臥下垂的掠食者風貌,透過Ram Air進氣口營造出不對稱的車頭所打造出的乖張造型,與車頭上代表川崎重工的川字印記,展現其兇猛、不好招惹的本性。
Kawasaki Z1000 |超级街车|极致原始快感
摈弃一切繁复的系统和配置,唯有保留最原始粗粝的快感,1,043 cc四缸引擎如同蓄势待发的野兽般渴望摆脱束缚,发出震撼人心的咆哮. Z1000的SUGOMI设计将2010-2013车型的前倾式设计概念更进一步。 前照灯整流罩的位置尽可能低,从油箱顶部向下延伸,以形成捕食者肌肉发达的肩膀和下垂的头部的姿态。 车身与发动机和车架紧密贴合,强化了简洁、动感的造型。 重心集中在头部,并使光线明暗形成鲜明对比,小型的尾部设计。 这创造了一种全新的二分法的动态设计, …
2025 Kawasaki Z H2 SE ABS | Hypersport Motorcycle
The 2025 Kawasaki Z H2 SE ABS hypersport motorcycle delivers supercharged exhilaration in aggressive Z styling, featuring a lightweight trellis frame and an extremely powerful 998cc supercharged engine.
KAWASAKI Z H2 (2020 - on) Review - Motorcycle News
2021年5月11日 · Read MCN's in-depth review of the supercharged Kawasaki Z H2 super naked, including performance, pricing and more.
Z H2 | 2025 - Kawasaki
Our world-beating litre engine is boosted beyond belief with Supercharger technology from the unrivalled Ninja H2. Sugomi style exudes Kawasaki DNA. SUPERCHARGE YOUR RIDING LIFE. Manageable Power Delivery at all speeds thoroughly pursued to achieve a power unit that enables you to experience the high output of 200 PS.
Kawasaki Z H2 | ハイパースポーツモデル | スーパーチャージドパ …
Z H2 はラジアルマウントのブレンボ製M4.32モノブロックキャリパーとø 320mmの大径ブレーキディスクを備えたフロントブレーキにより、強力かつコントロール性に優れた制動力を実現。
Kawasaki Z H2 [2022] vs Kawasaki Z1000 - BikeWale
Kawasaki Z H2 [2022] vs Kawasaki Z1000 - Which bike should you buy? BikeWale helps you compare Z H2 [2022] and Z1000 on over 100+ parameters, including detailed tech specs, features, colours and prices.
Kawasaki Z H2 | Hypersport Motorcycle | Supercharged …
The Z H2 hypersport motorcycle delivers supercharged exhilaration in aggressive Z styling, featuring a 998 cc engine and advanced performance engineering.