Z23 - Azur Lane Wiki | Fandom
Z23 is a girl with a short stature and a medium bust. She has a short platinum blonde hair with a black, red & yellow ribbon with an iron cross motif, and has sharp blue eyes.
Z23 - Azur Lane Wiki
Every 20s, 40% (70%) chance to release a powerful barrage and spawn 2 rotating shields that can block 5 enemy shells each while launching a wave of 4 slow homing torpedoes; own main gun's critical rate becomes 100% for 10s. Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ (II): Z23 once every 15 (10) times the Main Guns are fired.
Z23 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Z23 是由 蛮啾网络 、 勇仕网络 联合研发的移动设备游戏 《碧蓝航线》 及其衍生作品的登场角色。 其原型为德国海军1936A级Z23驱逐舰 (German destroyer Z23)。 标准笑容? 正经偶像·经纪人担当? 书架边的“风景”? 薯条,以及笑容! 强化失败? (简中服) 舞会与黑蔷薇! 碧蓝航线/动画 角色歌: Wissen ist Macht!! 、 悠久のカタルシス ~Z23 ver.~ 碧蓝航线的繁中服看板娘,繁中服推特账号的头像是Z23,但游戏APP图标还是萨拉托加。
Z23/Gallery - Azur Lane Wiki
A 5th Anniversary Illustration Collection image by Akitake Azumi – Prinz Eugen, Prinz Heinrich and Z23 wearing Prinz Eugen's Cordial Cornflower dress
Z23 | The Official Azur Lane Wiki - Fandom
Z23 is a girl with a short stature and a medium bust. She has a short platinum blonde hair with a black, red & yellow ribbon with an iron cross motif, and has sharp blue eyes.
Z23, Z23 (Azur Lane), Azur Lane / Z - pixiv - pixiv(ピクシブ)
2022年12月25日 · Z23, Z23 (Azur Lane), Azur Lane, Azur Lane 100+ bookmarks are the most prominent tags for this work posted on December 25th, 2022.
【碧蓝航线】当拉菲变成z23的发型…… - 哔哩哔哩
不要碧夕夕!!!不要碧夕夕!!!不要碧夕夕!!!重要的事情说三遍!!!, 视频播放量 8314、弹幕量 7、点赞数 441、投硬币枚数 23、收藏人数 53、转发人数 10, 视频作者 艾洛莉erori, 作者简介 暴躁地雷女,相关视频:Deep Seek评选碧蓝航线最可爱的十位角色(逐渐合理),绿头猫猫,又幻想了 ...
Z23 from Azur Lane - Anime Characters Database
Z23 is a character from the Mobile Game Azur Lane. They have been indexed as Female Teen with Purple eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Shoulders length.
Z23 (Azur Lane), short hair, kawaii / z23摸鱼头像 - pixiv
Z23 (Azur Lane), short hair, kawaii / z23摸鱼头像 - pixiv ... pixiv
看似万恶的安全裤,没有起到“保护”的作用,还把z23的骚推到了极点。黑紫色的安全裤就像紧身裤一样,在绷紧z23大腿的同时存托出白皙而富有肉感的大腿,安全裤上的反光也给人一种是丝袜的错觉。 嗯我只是看上的女孩年纪比较小而已。