Solved: How to see list of Z t-codes - SAP Community
2012年9月27日 · If you have acess of SE93 then you can pun Z* and press F4 you will see all the transaction starting from letter Z. if have difrent like y* or x* and F4. and in Table TSTC-SAP Transaction Codes you will get all Transaction Code and their Program. Regards, Anand
Knowledge Base - SAP
The SAP Support Portal page covering the SAP Support Knowledge Base Search (found in SAP for Me), My SAP Notes & KBAs, Guided Answers, Note Assistant, Important SAP Notes & KBAs and the Side-Effects of SAP Notes.
SAP获取CK13N全展开的成本核算数据 - CSDN博客
2019年12月30日 · sap中生产订单作为一个成本收集平台,对于生产成本的归集以及对应产出可以清晰看出。 为了方便投入产出的 数据 查看, SAP 标准功能有如下方式: CO03,通过对生产订单的成本分析进行查看(较为详细) KOC4:对订单进行批量查看(较为简要) 对于固定成本 ...
SAP FI中T打头的表(部分配置表)中文描述 - 一贴灵 - 博客园
2021年7月28日 · 转自:SAP FI中T打头的表(部分配置表)中文描述_zhaimao的专栏-CSDN博客 活到老,学到老。 posted @ 2021-07-28 11:40 一贴灵 阅读( 2442 ) 评论( 0 ) 编辑 收藏 举报
SAP消息号大全及处理方法 - 全能骑士Phil - 博客园
2014年8月19日 · T100U 通过 T100U可以查看所有系统及用户定义的消息,包括消息的一些更改情况可在该表中查寻. 2. T100 SAP能用到的消息. 3. T160M MM模块相关消息表,此表可直接维护.可使用SE16对其进行维护。 4. T100C FI模块中用户自定义的消息,比如使用OBA5,OFMG等自定义的消息会写入此表,CO配置消息不在此表. 5. T100S: 此表保存着允许用户更改的应用区域和消息号,举例假设你删除了KI 005则在OBA5中再不能配置此消息. (对MM模块有些例外,M7不在此 …
2712349 - Best practices for implementing Production Planning and ... - SAP
You are implementing SAP S/4HANA with Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS) and would like to understand best practices for the configuration. Read more... Environment
List of Z tcodes - SAP Community
2009年8月11日 · SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) MM (Materials Management) Software Product Function. View products (1) I wan 2 c list of all Z t codes available in my system. Can anyone tel me the procedure 2 find the list. thanks. Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer.
SAP message M7139 Number & outside range of validity
What causes this issue? You did not enter a valid goods receipt/issue slip number. The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved. How to fix this error? a number. IF & [SWITCH]S4H_DOCU_ON_PREMISE& = 'X'. system of Inventory Management which number intervals have been defined.
SAP M7139 - Number & outside range of validity - ERPlingo
What is the cause and solution for SAP error message M7139 - Number & outside range of validity ? Do you have any question about this error? Upgrade now to chat with this error. Get …
SAP Message M7139 - Number & outside range of validity
If you have the appropriate authorization, check in the Customizingsystem of Inventory Management which number intervals have been defined.