Z80-Retro! I2C/SPI Master Interface Board & Driver Library
An I2C/SPI master interface board using bit-bang techniques and utilizes the Z80-Retro! parallel printer port. The PCB design includes 4 I2C ports and 4 SPI ports. The I2C ports are all common and the SPI ports include 4 individual chip select (CS) lines.
SPI SD Card Interface for Z80 Systems - Ecstatic Lyrics
SPI SD Card Interface for Z80 Systems This web page documents a high-speed SPI interface I built for a Z80 system. It is capable of transferring a byte in just 1 µs. Assembly Interface
How can SPI be used with a Z80 CPU to control an RFM95 LoRa …
2022年7月10日 · Of course you can interface a Z80 with an SPI device, just like you can with any CPU or MCU that has no built-in SPI. All you need is a GPIO port of some sorts and control the pins in software. This is how CPUs and MCUs interfaced with synchronous serial devices before Motorola decided to integrate a configurable peripheral to interface with ...
Eric's Projects - Z-80 SPI - Google Sites
Example of using the Z-80 PIO to communicate with the SPI style interface, just sends data no receive function. My first test was using only two pins to drive the data and clk lines, just...
hanyazou/SuperMEZ80-SPI - GitHub
SuperMEZ80-SPI is a Z80 mezzanine board for simple single board computer EMUZ80. SuperMEZ80-SPI add SRAM and SPI micro SD Card slot to the EMUZ80. With SuperMEZ80-SPI, you can run CP/M 2.2 disk images from the z80pack on the EMUZ80.
sd card - SPI Hardware interface to z80 - Stack Overflow
2015年10月26日 · I am attempting to make a retro computer using a z80 and ideally would like to give it the ability to boot from an SD card. I am 100% set on using a z80 and do not want to use a microcontroller with an internal SPI hardware interface.
SPI 硬件接口到 z80 sd-card retro-computing shift-register - Dev59
Z80_06-M62-bus_Nano_Serial_Interface - zed80.com
The Serial Interface board was designed by Peter Murray to allow the Z80 to communicate on its 8-bit parallel data bus through a 5v Arduino Nano to your I2C and SPI devices like RTC, SD, weather sensor, etc.
RetroBrew Computers Forum: General Discussion » Z80 SPI fast SD
2021年4月25日 · I've been experimenting with a Z80 SPI interface and I found this interesting Z80 SPI interface article on the web. I attached a PDF of the article which includes the original link and author. I've implemented the circuit making some adjustments for voltage level translation from 5v to 3.3v although the circuit is a mix of 5v TTL and an 3.3v SD ...
It is capable of transferring a byte in just 1 μs. First the byte to be transmitted is written to port 0, then a write to port 1 causes the SPI transfer to take place. Finally, a read from port 0 retrieves …