Z80-SIOTechnicalManual Contents GeneralInformation l PinDescription 2 Architecture 5 TheDataPath 5 FunctionalDescription 7 AsynchronousOperation 9 AsynchronousTransmit 9 AsynchronousReceive 10 SynchronousOperation 13 SynchronousTransmit 14 SynchronousReceive 17 sni,C(HDiX)Operation 21 SDLCTransmit 21 SDLCReceive 25 Z80-SIOProgramming 29 WriteRegisters 29 ReadRegisters 34 ...
In addition to data communication, the circuit can handle virtually all types of serial I/O with fast (or slow) peripheral devices. While designed primarily as a member of the Z-80 family, its versatility makes it well suited to many other CPUs. Figures I through 6 illustrate the three pin configurations (bonding options) available in the SIC).
SHARP Z80 SIO テクニカルマニュアル : SHARP - Archive.org
Dec 31, 2014 · SHARP Z80 SIO テクニカルマニュアル Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest. Share via email. EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress.com hosted blogs and archive.org ...
Zilog Z80-SIO Technical Manual - Archive.org
Sep 18, 2013 · Zilog_Z80-SIO_Technical_Manual Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t8md0tx6n Ocr ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Pages 58 Ppi 300 . plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 2,134 Views . 3 …
• Interfaces directly to the Z80 CPU. Interfaces to the Z80 SIO for baud rate generation • Standard Z80 Family daisy-chain interrupt structure provides fully vectored, prioritized interrupts without …
Thomas Scherrer Z80-Family Official Support Page
Z80 ASM.zip A great Z80 ASM package with: 8251 Uart intel hex transfer, LCD drivers, random, forth. A system to receive and transmit packets throught a PCM-30 8bit timeslot using a SIO device , by Riccardo Pompeo.
The Z80 SIO/2 module (SC104) provides two TTL serial ports with very flexible input and output connectivity, as well as support for Z80 mode 2 interrupt daisy chaining. Each port has transmit, receive, request to send and clear to send signals brought
The Z80 SIO is the most powerful I/O device of the Z80 product family. Part one of this section describes how to program the SIO so that it communicates with a PC in
Z80-DART/Z80-SIO chip - CPCWiki
Zilog Z8440 - Z80 SIO (Dual-channel Serial Input/Output Controller) Note: Five different variants of the SIO chips exist: types 0/1/2 are 40pin DIP chips with slightly different features/pinouts, types 3 (QFP package) and 4 (PLCC package) are 44pin chips, both combining all features of the three 40pin chips.
The Z80 SIO is the most powerful I/O device of the Z80 product family. The official ZiLOG datasheet gives a good overall view of all the features of this device but lacks a tutorial like approach and programming examples in assembly language.