KnightOS/z80e: A z80 calculator emulator (and debugger) - GitHub
z80e A z80 emulator designed for debugging the KnightOS kernel . It emulates Texas Instruments calculators and is not recommended for general-purpose z80 debugging.
Zilog Z80 - Wikipedia
The Zilog Z80 is an 8-bit microprocessor designed by Zilog that played an important role in the evolution of early computing. Launched in 1976, it was designed to be software-compatible with the Intel 8080, offering a compelling alternative due to …
Zilog Z80 CPU Emulator - GitHub
It emulates all that is known to date about this CPU, including the undocumented behaviors, MEMPTR, Q and the special RESET. It also has the honor of having been the first open-source project to provide full emulation of the interrupt mode 0. The source code is written in ANSI C for maximum portability and is extensively commented.
z80e - GitHub
A z80 calculator emulator (and debugger). Contribute to KnightOS/z80e development by creating an account on GitHub.
2024年12月27日 · 本文全面介绍Z80系统的调试技术,涵盖了系统概览、汇编语言基础、调试工具与环境搭建、常见调试问题的识别与解决方法,以及高级调试技巧。 首先,介绍了Z80汇编语言的基础知识,包括指令集架构、语法结构和编写技巧。
Zilog Z80 | 在线CPU博物馆 | 微处理器博物馆 | Honux's CPU Museum
1976 年美国 Zilog 公司推出的微处理器 Z840004、Z840006 和 Z840008 因其卓越的性能,强大的输入/出接口能力,快速的运算速度(Z840008 时钟频率可达 8MHz,同时期的其他产品如 Intel 的 8085、Motorola 的 M6802 等时钟频率为 2~5 MHz),品种多样的外设支持而迅速被业内人士关注。 Zilog 公司的这类微处理器通常被叫做 Z80 微处理器或 Z80 微机。 Z80 单板机具有体积小,外设搭配灵活,运行可靠等特点,因此在以后的十几年时间里,Z80 单板机被广泛的应用于 PC …
z80e仿真器:Z80计算器的调试与仿真工具 - CSDN文库
2025年1月5日 · z80e仿真器同时具备调试功能,这使得开发者能够逐步执行代码、检查寄存器状态、内存内容以及其他与程序执行相关的细节。 它提供了断点、单步执行、寄存器视图和内存观察等调试工具,这对于跟踪程序中的错误、优化代码性能和学习程序执行流程非常有帮助。
UM008011-0816 Revision History Z80 CPU User Manual iii Revision History Each instance in the following revision history table reflects a change to this document
Z80 CPU Emulator - GitHub
Although the emulator runs a slightly modified version of the Microsoft BASIC as used in the Nascom 2 computer, the Z80 core can be used as a starting point for any other ambitious project. The baseline emulated hardware architecture has the following specification:
AUR (en) - z80e
Could NOT find SCAS (missing: SCAS_LIBRARIES) error making: z80e. I had to do some fixes for it to work, but here is a patch for the latest version. # Maintainer: Drew DeVault <[email protected]> pkgname=z80e. pkgrel=1. license=('MIT') pkgdesc='An emulation library and client programs for z80 calculators' arch=("x86_64")