GA-Z97-HD3 (rev. 1.0) Overview | Motherboard - GIGABYTE
GIGABYTE motherboards provide native 4K support with integrated Intel ® HD Graphics via HDMI. HDMI™ is a High-Definition Multimedia Interface which provides up to 5Gb/s video transmitting bandwidth and 8-channel high quality audio all through a single cable.
GA-Z97-HD3|AORUS - 技嘉科技
4 天之前 · ' 支援 Intel® 第4代/第5代Core™ 處理器 極致多顯示卡輸出配置 高傳真音效晶片 超強抗靜電網路 技嘉網路優化技術 超耐久固態電容 獨家APP Center整合超頻EasyTune™與雲端Cloud Station™軟體 技嘉UEFI DualBIOS™ '
GA-Z97-HD3 (rev. 1.0) 產品介紹 | 主機板 - GIGABYTE 技嘉科技
4K超高解析度輸出是高畫質影像輸出技術的新一代里程碑,提供約4000像素的水平成像畫質,相當於今天標準Full HD顯示4倍以上的解析度。 技嘉主機板透過處理器整合的英特爾 ® HD繪圖及HDMI連接埠,提供的原生4K超高解析度輸出支援。 HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)多媒體數位影音的傳輸介面,終結了以往影音分離傳輸的全新介面。 HDMI介面可提供高達5Gb/s的影像資料傳輸頻寬,更可同時提供高達8聲道的音訊信號傳輸;經由非壓縮式的數位資料傳 …
技嘉GA-Z97-HD3(rev.2.0) - 中关村在线
中关村在线为您提供技嘉GA-Z97-HD3 rev.2.0 主板最新报价,同时包括技嘉GA-Z97-HD3 rev.2.0图片、技嘉GA-Z97-HD3 rev.2.0参数、技嘉GA-Z97-HD3 rev.2.0评测行情、技嘉GA-Z97-HD3 rev.2.0论坛、技嘉GA-Z97-HD3 rev.2.0点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买技嘉GA-Z97-HD3 rev.2.0 主板提供有价值的参考
GA-Z97-HD3 (rev. 2.1) Learn more | Motherboard - GIGABYTE
Including the latest transfer technologies including SATA Express and M.2, exclusive high- end audio features, advanced gaming networking and device charging, gold plated hardware connectors and of course, killer good looks, GIGABYTE 9 series motherboards are in a class of their own. ... More.
亲民实用级的Z97 技嘉Z97-HD3主板评测 - 太平洋电脑网
2014年9月30日 · 技嘉z97-hd3为atx板型,值得一提的是这次技嘉的pcb板使用了高密度防潮开纤布材质电路板技术,减少湿气与潮湿环境所产生的水份侵蚀电路板,大大 ...
超耐久下的9系入门板 技嘉Z97-HD3评测 - 中关村在线
技嘉z97-hd3 CPU底座插槽及供电规格 CPU底座插槽为LGA 1150接口,除了可以支持最新Haswell-R架构的处理器,同时还兼容支持Haswell架构的全系CPU,用户选择空间非常充裕。
技嘉Z97-HD3 - 百度百科
GA-Z97-HD3|AORUS - 技嘉科技
' Supports 4th and 5th Generation Intel® Core™ processors Extreme multi graphics support HD Audio support LAN with high ESD Protection GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer Long lifespan Durable Solid caps APP Center including EasyTune™ and …
Gigabyte GA-Z97-HD3 LGA 1150 Z97 HDMI 2-Way CrossFire ATX Motherboard
The Z97-HD3 is an affordable and superior general purpose main logicboard with SATA-6, four memory slots, and a good video card. "...The product has all the right features and well placed...." Read more