ZB vz. 30 - Wikipedia
The ZB-30 and ZB-30J were Czechoslovakian light machine guns that saw extensive use during World War II. The Zb 30 and Zb 30J were the later versions of the famous Czechoslovak machine gun, the ZB-26. However, the ZB-30 had some design differences, making it similar to the later ZGB-33, which was an early prototype of the Bren gun. [6] .
ZB30輕機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
zb30是著名的捷克式zb-26機槍的後期版本。 ZB30有一些設計差異,使它類似於後來的ZGB-33,即 布倫輕機槍 早期原型。 1938年納粹德國吞併捷克後,採用了捷克式ZB-30機槍,將其重新命名為MG30,與 MG34 一樣用作輕機槍使用。
ZB30輕機槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
zb30是著名的捷克式zb-26機槍的後期版本。 ZB30有一些設計差異,使它類似於後來的ZGB-33,即 布倫輕機槍 早期原型。 1938年納粹德國吞併捷克後,採用了捷克式ZB-30機槍,將其重新命名為MG30,與 MG34 一樣用作輕機槍使用。
ZB30轻机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
枪械科普:ZB30 - 哔哩哔哩
Czech ZB30: The Best WWII Era Light Machine Gun?
2018年12月11日 · The Czech ZB30 was probably one of the better light machine gun designs that saw extensive use during the Second World War. Nations such as Japan and Britain copied aspects of it in the Bren and Japanese Type 99 LMG.
如何评价捷克ZB30轻机枪? - 知乎
捷克zb30轻机枪是捷克斯洛伐克在第二次世界大战中被广泛使用的轻机枪,是著名的zb-26轻机枪后期版本。 1. 设计特点:采用气动式原理,枪管短,后座自动方式以及导气式闭锁结构,具有较低的后坐力和较高的射击精度。
Czech ZB-30 Manuals - Forgotten Weapons
2011年7月20日 · The ZB30 was a bit more robust of a design, and better suited for handling a variety of ammunition types (not that the ZB26 was a slouch, but there’s always room for improvement). We have a couple ZB30 manuals available for download – a basic one in English and a more comprehensive Spanish one (including ballistics charts):
ZB vz. 30 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The ZB vz. 30 was licensed built in Romania during World War II and was used after the war by the Patriotic Guards. The ZB-30 and ZB-30J were the later versions of the famous Czechoslovak machine gun, the ZB-26. However, the ZB-30 had some design differences, making it similar to the later ZGB-33, which was an early prototype of the Bren gun. [1] .
ZB30 7.92mm light machine gun – Historical Breechloading …
A portable Light Machine Gun. Fires from an open bolt featuring a detachable 20 or 30 round box magazine. Gas operated, air cooled, selective fire (semi- or full-automatic).