Welcome to Zophei Baptist Church
"Ka au law, kan leh lai i a nganmi le a thukmi thil, nan hngalh bal lomi hna kha kan chimh hna lai" Jeremiah 33:3
Zion Baptist Church – Call Us 410-837-4181
Join us in worship, fellowship, and service as we grow together in Christ. Whether you’re new to the area or seeking a church home, we welcome you with open arms. Our Mission: To glorify …
Zophei Baptist Church, Indianapolis, USA | Indianapolis IN - Facebook
We warmly welcome you to Zophei Baptist Church! If you are a new member, our Sunday Service starts at 11:00 AM. We are so glad to have you here to worship the Lord with us!
Zebulon Baptist Church
We hope every person who attends ZBC—our worship services, bible studies, or ministry events—gains the knowledge that they are loved by God, that they have value, and that there …
HOME | ZBC Marietta
The vision of Zion Baptist Church is to see every individual as spiritually mature in Christ in worship and prayer, discipleship, fellowship, service, stewardship and outreach. LOVE GOD. …
Zion Baptist Church
Church Online is a place for you to experience God and connect with others.
Home | Zion Baptist Church
We purposefully place the gospel of Jesus at the center of every part of our life together. We are commited to the Word of Christ to direct every area of our church, rather than the word of man. …
Zion Baptist Church
Here at Zion Baptist Church, it is our sincere desire that you experience community through intentional, individual attention, corporate worship, welcome events and much more. We are …
Leadership — Zebulon Baptist Church
Rev. Melissa Willis joined the Zebulon Baptist Church family as associate pastor in August 2024. Melissa has served four churches in varied roles in her 28-year ministry, including children, …
Worship — Zebulon Baptist Church
Worship With ZBC. On a Sunday morning at ZBC you will discover a church with a traditional worship style that celebrates God’s love for us and expresses our love for God. The worship is …