Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation - Wikipedia
The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) is the state-owned broadcaster in Zimbabwe. It was established as the Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation (RBC), taking its current name in 1980. Like the RBC before it, the ZBC has been accused of being a government mouthpiece with no editorial independence. [1]
Zhejiang Business College | Higher Ed Jobs in China - ISAC Teach …
2014年8月5日 · Zhejiang Business College (ZBC, website) was formerly known as the Hangzhou Business School founded in 1911. For more than 100 years, the school has adhered to the motto of “honesty, perseverance, diligence and simplicity”, adhered to the policy of “cultivating people and serving the society”, and cultivated a large number of ...
Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation | Logopedia | Fandom
The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) is the state-controlled broadcaster in Zimbabwe. It was established in 1960 as the Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation (RBC), taking its current name in 1980. Like the RBC before it, the ZBC has been accused of being a government mouthpiece with no...
Our Vision is to be the Zimbabwean voice of choice across multi-media platforms globally and be a customer-driven and competitive broadcaster. We are focused on producing and distributing commercially viable, innovative, high quality content that projects the …
俄罗斯人喝酒说一句zbc什么意思? - 百度知道
2024年8月20日 · "zbc"这个词是俄语中“заебись”的谐音,它在年轻人之间使用,但在正式场合中并不恰当。 "заебись"通常含有粗鲁的意味,大致可以翻译为“牛逼”或者“哎呀小编草”。
ZBC是什么意思? - 知乎
就单纯的zbc是什么意思?为什么说是骂人,到底是怎么骂人? 显示全部
zbc是什么网络梗 - 百度知道
2023年4月10日 · 1.zbc是什么意思什么梗出自哪里,zbc几个字母组合在一起很多人都猜不出是什么意思,不是某些词语的简称,也不是什么英文的缩写,现在火遍抖音的zbc的意思类似于我们网络用语卧槽的意思,它其实是一个俄语的发音类似于zbc,出自一个叫新二的快乐生活的网络主播,他每次在模仿完俄罗斯人喝酒后,都会非常魔性的说雷霆嘎巴,zbc,无情哈拉少,夸张的动作与表情让这个zbc的梗火了起来;2.zbc是什么意思是脏话吗,现在火遍全网的zbc的意思是好 …
zbc - 百度百科
喝完后会说出非常的魔性的口头禅:“雷霆嘎巴! ZBC! 无情哈拉少! ” [1] 就是夸饮料非常棒、非常厉害的意思。 博主“新二的快乐生活”在网络上发的视频一般是模仿俄罗斯人喝酒吃饭,经常会拿出一个装着透明液体的透明白色大水瓶,上面贴着一张画着小鸟的纸,博主将这个饮料称为:小鸟伏特加。 [1] 今天整点我独家秘制的小鸟伏特加,就整这么高。 [2] 每次喝完酒的几个细节,确实都是俄罗斯人喝酒时候必备的几个动作。 1. 深吸一口气,伏特加属于烈性酒,喝的时候会比较 …