Home - ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
2025年3月11日 · ZCCM Investments Holdings PLC is a successor company to Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited (ZCCM Ltd), of Zambia listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange. Help Improve the ZCCM-IH Investor Relations Portal!
Company Overview - ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc
ZCCM-IH occupies a very unique and strategically advantageous position as an investment holding company, as it holds key interests across mining and energy industries in Zambia. It also has significant investments in diversified energy entities, gemstones, and real estate.
ZCCM Investments Holdings - Wikipedia
Since privatisation of ZCCM, ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) is an investments holdings company which is listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange and on Euronext in Paris, and has the majority of its …
Overview - ZCCM-IH Investor Relations Portal
We are an investment and mining operations company with diversified interests in mining, energy and other sectors of the Zambian economy. ZCCM-IH has its primary listing under ISIN number ZM0000000037 on the Lusaka Stock Exchange….
Company Profile - ZCCM-IH Investor Relations Portal
ZCCM Investments Holdings PLC is a premier diversified mining investments and operations company with a primary listing under ISIN number ZM0000000037 on the Lusaka Securities Exchange in Zambia, and secondary listings on the London Stock Exchange and the Euronext Access Exchange in Paris
Management - ZCCM-IH Investor Relations Portal
ZCCM-IH is run on a day-to-day basis by a dedicated multi-disciplinary management team. The most apparent attribute of the team is its heterogeneous composition and cohesive nature. Each member of the team brings varied but complimentary skills that range from mining and chemical engineering, economics, project management, corporate finance ...
赞比亚政府完成莫帕尼铜矿收购 - MOFCOM
2021年1月21日 · 赞比亚政府通过其控股公司——赞比亚联合铜矿投资控股公司(ZCCM-IH)完成100%收购莫帕尼铜矿(Mopani Copper Mines)的交易。 此次收购使该铜矿完全国有化,并获得股东新注资3亿美元。
行业 | 阿联酋国际资源公司控股赞比亚莫帕尼铜矿 - 搜狐
2023年12月27日 · 上周五,赞比亚国有企业——ZCCM-IH发布公告,赞比亚选择了阿布扎比市值最高的上市公司——国际控股公司(IHC)旗下的子公司阿联酋国际资源控股公司(IRH)作为莫帕尼铜矿(Mopani Copper Mine)的战略股权合作伙伴。
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc - LinkedIn
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) (a successor company to Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited-ZCCM Ltd) is a premier diversified investment holding company. The Government of the...
Zambia selects UAE's IHC unit as new partner in Mopani Copper …
2023年12月1日 · Zambia has selected United Arab Emirates' International Resources Holdings (IRH) as the new strategic equity partner in Mopani Copper Mines, the miner's owner ZCCM-IH said late on Thursday.