ZEISS Photography | Camera lenses for SLR and mirrorless system cameras
Compact and lightweight compared to classic SLR systems: The exceptional ZEISS lenses for mirrorless system cameras are used in conjunction current high-resolution sensors for images without any compromises – delivering outstanding performance, reliability and low weight.
蔡司摄影 | SLR 和无反光镜相机镜头 - ZEISS
比传统单反系统更轻巧:优秀的蔡司无反相机镜头与高分辨率传感器结合使用,成像素质一如既往,表现卓越,性能可靠,重量轻便。 高精度固定焦距、手动对焦的高分辨率 SLR 相机。 高品质的做工、出色的光线强度和传奇般的背景虚化。 相比于标准的自动对焦镜头,蔡司相机可提供高精度、直观的手动对焦。 毫无疑问,所有标准相机均支持所有其他自动功能。 最佳摄影师的特点便是其个性。 他们不走寻常路而不是墨守成规。 使用蔡司ZM镜头,我们提供理想的设备让他们充 …
ZEISS Consumer Products
ZEISS Consumer Products combines the company's business with camera and cine lenses, binoculars, spotting scopes and hunting optics. The unit is allocated to the Consumer Markets segment and is represented at sites in Oberkochen and Wetzlar. Camera lenses from ZEISS stand for maximum imaging quality.
蔡司官网,光学和光电技术 - ZEISS
Zeiss ZX1 review: Digital Photography Review
2021年7月21日 · The Zeiss ZX1 is the first-ever digital camera to come with Adobe Lightroom Mobile built-in, encouraging you to shoot, edit and upload images from a single device. It has a 37.4MP full-frame sensor, a fixed 35mm F2 lens and the largest screen we've ever seen on a modern digital camera at 4.34" (11cm) diagonal.
Zeiss Cameras: Digital Photography Review - m.dpreview.com
Expert news, reviews and videos of the latest digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and phones. Get answers to your questions in our photography forums.
ZEISS Consumer Products
ZEISS Consumer Products combines the company's business with camera and cine lenses, binoculars, spotting scopes and hunting optics.
Zeiss Digital Cameras and Lenses - Digital Photography Review
German lens maker Zeiss is one of the oldest optical companies in the world. It makes a wide range of high quality lenses, including medium format lenses for Hasselblad and Rollei, and large format designs for Sinar.
Zeiss ZX1 Review - Photography Blog
2021年7月22日 · By pairing a 35mm full-frame sensor with a 35mm fixed prime lens, the Zeiss ZX1 is clearly something of a niche camera from the outset. Up against the likes of the Leica Q2, Fujifilm X100V, Ricoh GR III and the five-year-old Sony RX1R II, the ZX1 joins an exclusive band of cameras that all take a markedly different approach.
Zeiss' Otus ML Lenses Promise Photographers Something Entirely ...
2025年3月7日 · Zeiss made its long-awaited return to the traditional photography space by reintroducing its beloved Otus series for full-frame mirrorless cameras. The Otus ML 50mm f/1.4 and Otus ML 85mm f/1.4 ...