Home - Zero Friction Cycling
At ZFC you will find products that genuinely remove easily avoidable drivetrain friction. Thanks to the laws of physics – this means you are propelled forwards faster for the same effort! Not only that, drivetrain friction causes drivetrain wear.
11 Speed Chains - Zero Friction Cycling
ZFC offers Shimano Dura Ace 11speed Chains in Ultrasonic Cleaned and waxed as well as Ceramic Speed UFO options. *Note – Shimano chain both the chain and master links are directional. Master link – arrow points to point in direction of chain travel, Chain – writing on chain (HG901 etc) must face out towards you when installing.
Chain Testing - Zero Friction Cycling
At ZFC you will also receive the highest level of service whether you are looking to save every fraction of a watt for racing or record attempts, all the way through to the best options for commuting and everything in between – professional or recreational racing, weekend warrior, CX, Mtb, Track, Tandem…. .
Adam Kerin - Zero Friction Cycling - SILCA
Adam's Zero Friction cycling is hyper-focused on this key piece of drive train and the ways to make it more efficient and last longer. ZFC is the sole, independent voice of chain and lube testing and a marginal gainer at heart. Josh and Adam go deep on how proper chain care can repay the rider in so many ways. Got a question you’d like to ask?
zero friction cycling - Reddit
2023年6月26日 · In real life experience, I find that Silca hot wax + drip wax top ups seem very good on our road bikes. For our town bikes / tourers / etc, Squirt seems to a great performer at a great price and without the hassle of hot wax dipping.
The Best Chain Lubricant for Bike Chains – SILCA
ZFC also says: "The lowest dry contamination rate recorded to date, nearly no dirt can penetrate the chain making SuperSecret an excellent choice for gravel or Mtn riding, and it remains incredibly clean." Dries to hard, slick coating that repels dirt and dust; Environmentally friendly: NO PFAS, NO VOC's; Stays clean to the touch
Amazon.com : SILCA Synergetic Oil Based Bike Chain Lube for …
2020年11月17日 · The fastest wet lube ever independently tested! ZFC in Australia . The test is designed to replicate real world situations to help you choose the best chain lube for your bicycle. Up until 2020 only 1 lubricant had made it through all 6 test blocks below 100% wear, and 95% of lubricants tested fail the test before reaching block 6
求教大佬解释一下磁性测量过程中的场冷和零场冷,为什么差别这么大,说明一下FC与ZFC …
zfc是从高温降到低温的过程中不施加外磁场,降到目标温度后施加一个固定场,随后升温; fc是之后保持这个外加磁场再经历一个相同温区的先降温再升温的循环。所以一般一次完整的zfc-fc测试有3根线。
摄影小白想入第一台机,心意的有鞋厂的z5和zfc ... - 知乎
最大的区别在于zfc是aps-c,也就是半幅机。而z5是全画幅。 1.画质. 光线强的时候,半幅和全幅基本上画质看不出太大区别。但是弱光环境下,全画幅的优势就显现出来了,全幅高感画质更好,噪点控制也会比半幅更好,毕竟底大一级压死人,这是物理规律。
Wax Instructions - Zero Friction Cycling
ZFC has many (and i mean MANY) avid races who train 400 to 600km a week – and they simply run two training chains -one for mon to fri, one for weekend, re-wax both at once on rest day. It is even more time efficient to re-wax multiple chains at once vs one chain at a time.