初学者指南:ZFS 是什么,为什么要使用 ZFS? - 知乎专栏
zfs 使用快照来跟踪文件系统中的更改。 快照 包含文件系统的原始版本(文件系统的一个只读版本),实时文件系统则包含了自从快照创建之后的任何更改。
ZFS 101—Understanding ZFS storage and performance
2020年5月8日 · Learn to get the most out of your ZFS filesystem in our new series on storage fundamentals.
ZFS - Wikipedia
ZFS (previously Zettabyte File System) is a file system with volume management capabilities. It began as part of the Sun Microsystems Solaris operating system in 2001.
如何在 Ubuntu 上使用 ZFS 文件系统 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
zfs 非常强大,还有很多其它的东西可以用它来做,但这些都是基础。 这是一个优秀的存储负载文件系统,即使它只是一个用于文件的硬盘驱动器的 RAID 阵列。
ZFS Architecture - ZFS Handbook
ZFS is organized into a layered structure that begins with physical disks at the lowest level. These disks are grouped into Virtual Devices (VDEVs), which are then combined to form ZFS …
Chapter 22. The Z File System (ZFS) - FreeBSD Documentation …
ZFS is an advanced file system designed to solve major problems found in previous storage subsystem software. Originally developed at Sun™, ongoing open source ZFS development …
An Introduction to the Z File System (ZFS) for Linux - How-To Geek
2014年1月29日 · ZFS is commonly used by data hoarders, NAS lovers, and other geeks who prefer to put their trust in a redundant storage system of their own rather than the cloud. It's a …
ZFS 概念和教程 - Linux-Console.net
只需少量术语和更少的命令,您就可以在任何地方使用 ZFS – 从企业到家庭/办公室 NAS。 用 ZFS 的创建者的话来说:“我们希望向系统添加存储就像添加新 RAM 棒一样简单。 我们稍后会看 …
ZFS - Debian Wiki
ZFS is a combined file system and logical volume manager designed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle), which is licensed as open-source software under the Common …
ZFS Cheat Sheet and Guide - Mike's Thoughts
2023年12月19日 · When using drives for ZFS, you need to utilize their actual drive names or WWNs. We also need to check for the sector sizes these drives support. While you can create …