File : OpenZFS logo.svg - Wikimedia
2025年3月1日 · This text-logo was created with Inkscape. This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions.
File:OpenZFS logo.svg - Wikipedia
This text-logo was created with Inkscape. This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions.
The logo concept: ZFS stands for Zettabyte File System and a Zettabyte is equivalent to 10 21 bytes. 10 is also the estimated number of grains of sand on earth. The logo contains references to these facts, the abstracted Z shape contains an hourglass form made up of two sets of dots, ten larger dots and 21 smaller ones.
ZFS - Wikipedia
ZFS (previously Zettabyte File System) is a file system with volume management capabilities. It began as part of the Sun Microsystems Solaris operating system in 2001.
About OpenZFS - OpenZFS
2023年1月18日 · The OpenZFS logo was created by Fffunction. See the OpenZFS brand guidelines for more information about the logo. The OpenZFS logo may be used in conjunction with products or projects that use OpenZFS. If you have questions about use of the OpenZFS logo or wish to use it in any other way, please contact admin at open-zfs.org.
ZFS 入门指北:维护与灾难恢复 - Leo's Field
2024年4月23日 · ZFS 内置了 ZED (ZFS event daemon, 即 ZFS 事件服务) ,一般会配置为当有 ZFS 事件(如 scrub 开始/完成,读写错误过多,磁盘下线等)时通过配置的方式(通常为 Email)发送通知。由于涉及到邮件发送等比较复杂且不相关的课题,本文不会详细介绍 ZED 的配 …
ZFS 入门指北:基础篇 - Leo's Field
2020年2月9日 · ZFS 没有 fsck (或者 CHKDSK ,如果你用的是 Windows 的话)。 所以说再也不会在开机界面卡半天了. 与之相对的,ZFS 的文件系统检查发生在每一次读取过程中。每当一个存储块被读取时,ZFS 会计算这个块的校验和,并与文件系统中记录的这个块应该有的校验和进行 ...
zfs: ZFS文件系统的英文名称为Zettabyte File System,也 ... - Gitee
ZFS文件系统的英文名称为Zettabyte File System,也叫动态文件系统(Dynamic File System),是第一个128位文件系统 expand collapse
ZFS - Arch Linux 中文维基
ZFS 最早是由 太阳计算机公司 为 solaris 操作系统开发并发布的一个先进文件系统,现在的 ZFS 一词通常指 OpenZFS 分支,该分支将原先的实现移植到了包括 Linux 等其它操作系统上,同时继续开发 solaris ZFS。 本文将把 ZFS 和 OpenZFS 视为同义词。 ZFS 具有丰富的特性,其中包括:更好的页缓存算法: ARC 、去重、池化存储、 快照 、复制、数据完整性检查及自动修复(scrubbing)、 RAID-Z 等等。 与将数据存放在单个块设备上的常见文件系统不同,ZFS 将 …
ZFS logo by abdul kasim on Dribbble
ZFS logo designed by abdul kasim. Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.
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