spl/zfs-on-mac: My personal ZFS on macOS instructions and scripts - GitHub
These are instructions for downloading, installing, and configuring OpenZFS on OS X on macOS 10.14 (Mojave). It was originally written for macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and has since been updated.
OpenZFS on OS X
The open source port of OpenZFS on OS X . Mastodon Mastodon
在macOS上读取ZFS硬盘 – Chaofan - ecnelises.com
2022年8月13日 · 好在ZFS诞生于Solaris,在FreeBSD上发展,而我们熟悉的macOS属于正统UNIX,也是FreeBSD的近亲。 将ZFS移植到macOS(以前叫OS X)的项目已经存续许久 1 …
ZFS 入门指北:基础篇 - Leo's Field
2020年2月9日 · macOS 也有自己的 ZFS 移植版本。它叫 OpenZFS on OS X。从名字即可知这玩意有点年头了,也是一个很稳定的移植,但功能和 OpenZFS 比可能会滞后。 这两年 ZFS 甚 …
macOS上运行ZFS — Cloud Atlas: Discovery beta 文档
Homebrew openzfs 提供了快速在macOS上安装ZFS的方法,其采用了 OpenZFS on OS X 开发的版本。从支持列表来看X86系列可以支持最新 macOS Sequoia 15系列,而Appple Silicon 则 …
GitHub - openzfsonosx/zfs: OpenZFS on OS X
OpenZFS on OS X (O3X) brings OpenZFS features to Apple's OS X. ** zfs.kext depends upon spl.kext, so start with that repository: https://github.com/openzfsonosx/spl.git. It is tested …
OpenZFS on OS X - GitHub
OpenZFS on Linux and FreeBSD, and, macOS. This is where development for macOS happens.
Install - OpenZFS on OS X
For macOS Sierra (10.12) and OS X El Capitan (10.11), you also need to boot into the Recovery OS (either the Recovery partition or bootable OS X install media for 10.11) and run. or. The …
OpenZFS on OS X
OpenZFS on OS X brings OpenZFS features to Apple's OS X. The installer release of OpenZFS on OS X is ready for use by people who are willing to learn to administer ZFS from the …
macOS下的磁盘阵列 - 冷清的博客
2019年6月9日 · 1. macOS自带的工具:RAID助理; 2. 开源的openZFS; 3. 硬RAID卡以及其它商业软件