ZIL-4104 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-4104 was a limousine built by ZIL from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, when it served as the transport of the elite of the Soviet Union. It is estimated that no more than fifty cars were produced each year.
ZIL-4104 - 华文百科
ZIL-4104最初称为ZIL-115 ,是ZIL-114的更新,它与之共享相同的机箱和一半以上的机械组件。尽管共享相同的底盘,但ZIL-4104的重量比114重314千克(692磅)。 从机械上讲,ZIL-4104在114上也有所改善。114的推杆 V8发动机的中风从95毫米(3.7英寸)增加到105毫米(4.1英寸 ...
ZIL 115 - ZIL - Riga Master Workshop
Automatic 3-speed gearbox, max. speed 119 Mph, acceleration 0 to 62 mph - 13 s. Brakes: disks, with hydraulic control. Measures: LxWxH=20'9 6/10"x6'10"x4'11", wheelbase 12'9 8/10". Track front/rear: 5'4 3/4"/5'5 1/2". Curb weight: 3400 kg . Tires 245/72R15H. Fuel tank: 31 3/4 gal. Fuel economy:10 3/4 Mpg (average). Production: 15-20 units a year.
可能这是知乎最全的苏联/俄罗斯豪华车历史了 - 知乎
ZIS-101是一款惊人的大型豪华轿车,轴距3.6米,车长5.75米,车重超过2.2吨。 ZIS-101有六个标准座位,一块玻璃可以把前排座位和后部车厢完全隔离。 这款车采用双化油器、自动恒温冷却系统、带同步器的变速箱、双级减震器等先进设计,还提供车内暖风空调和收音机,车漆涂料从美国进口……这样的配置在当时的苏联也称得上是绝对的豪华。 最初型号的ZIS-101最大马力90匹,最高车速68英里/时,1940年,发动机的动力提升到110匹。 第一批ZIS-101直接成为苏共中央委员 …
掘网三尺 | 红色豪车!见证兄弟之吻的 ZIL-4104 汽车模型 _必看-车 …
2023年3月9日 · zil-4104З(ЗиЛ-4104 或称 ЗиЛ-115)豪华轿车于 20 世纪 70 年代末至 80 年代初由前苏联 zil 汽车公司打造。其最初被命名为 zil-115,与前辈车型 zil-114 共用底盘和半数以上的机械零部件。
ZIL-115 | Classic Cars Wiki | Fandom
The ZIL-115 is an armor-plated, Russian-built limousine, produced in the early 1970s by ZiL. It was primarily used by mainly Russian dignitaries on foreign visits and army officers. It was a strongly armored vehicle which would need a .303-caliber round …
ZIL 115 specs, performance data - FastestLaps.com
More ZIL cars 12. 1983 ZIL 41047 Skorpion 319 ps, 5160 kg. 1936 ZIL 101 91 ps, 1400 kg. 2006 ZIL 4112 R 406 ps, 3800 kg. 1971 ZIL 117 304 ps, 2880 kg. Timeline. Gregg Savage 13m . How do you expect to sell cars? If you can only see one picture ... CMRDNOOB 21m .
Zil 4104 1978-1985 [Archive] - Ultimatecarpage.com forums
2013年9月23日 · Also known as ZIL-115A. ZIL-41044: Short wheelbase convertible version. ZIL-41045: Upgraded ZIL-4104. Produced 1983-1985. ZIL-41051: Armored version of 41045. ZIL-41044 and ZIL-41042 In the later years of the 4104 production run, ZIL introduced two derived models based on the 4104 chassis and the shortened ZIL-117 chassis not previously used ...
ZIL 115, 1977 | Model Cars - hobbyDB
The Zil 115 is probably better known as Zil 4104 or one of the many variations: 4105, 41041, 41042, 41043, 41044, 41045, 41046, 41047, 41052 and 4112P - some of these are facelifts/updates, while others are armored versions, ambulances and hearses. The reason the Zil 115-name is used here is solely, that this is the name used by Tantal themselves.
Zil 115/114/41045 parts: buy auto parts for zil 115/114/41045 in …
Sale of auto parts for cars ZIL-4104/41045 . The spare parts catalog for ZIL-115-41045 includes used, new-made, new and refurbished parts in stock. You can find items in the following categories: Body; Transmission; Engine; Steering mechanism; Running gear; Electrical equipment. In addition, it is possible to issue spare parts to order.