ZIL-135 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-135 is a large eight-wheeled military transport and self-propelled artillery truck manufactured by ZiL during the Cold War from the Soviet Union starting in 1959. Its purpose was to carry and launch a Luna-M ( NATO : Frog-7) surface-to-surface artillery rocket .
ZIL-135 (1959) - Truck Encyclopedia
The ZIL-135 is a large eight-wheeled military transport Erector Launcher (TEL) also declined into a self-propelled artillery truck, both manufactured by ZiL on a similar chassis during the Cold War from 1959. This became the 8x8 Soviet Union prime mover and launcher platform for the Luna-M (NATO: Frog-7) surface-to-surface artillery rocket.
ZIL 135 / 135B / 135BP (Concept vehicles) - Trucksplanet
October 3rd, 1958, ZIL made a 5-ton amphibious vehicle ZIL-135 (8x8). It was powered by two petrol engines ZIL-120VK rated at 130 hp each. Its transmission included a torque converter from ZIL-111, two-stage gear splitter, planetary 3-speed gearbox,
传奇135:苏联著名导弹发射器ZIL的诞生 - 哔哩哔哩
ZIL 135L / 135LM (Military vehicles) - Trucksplanet
The failure of the military use of ZIL-135E chassis led designers to fix their mistakes. In the early 60s, a modernized version ZIL-135L was presented with an increased up to 9 tonnes payload and an independent torsion suspension of front and rear wh
2020年6月21日 · zil-130的主驾驶座椅下方带有简易的弹簧减震,坐垫和靠背采用了密封效果极好的包裹式设计;平面式中控台的整体操控感比起kamaz、maz等品牌车型优势明显。
苏联ZIL—133型载重汽车 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月24日 · ZIL—133继续沿用ZIL-130的驾驶室,但是中间换过发动机。 可以这样讲,一开始的时候133G1直接沿用了130的150马力汽油机,之后因为133GYa型和KAMAZ是共同发展的,所以在当时发动机就换成了KAMAZ-5320型210马力柴油机。 正是因为柴油机的问题,所以在当时ZIL-133没有KAMAZ成功。 技术参数. ZIL—133G1(1975-1978) ZIL—133GYa(1978-1992) ZIL—133V(1963-1965) ZIL—133D(1966) 图片来源于网络,仅供交流学习,请勿商用, …
ZiL-135 (8Х8) - YouTube
2012年6月27日 · ZiL-135 special wheeled chassis "...The ZIL-135 is a large, 8 wheeled military transport and self-propelled artillery truck produced in the Cold War by the Soviet Union starting in...
苏联ZIL—130系列载重汽车(重制版) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
130是一种由莫斯科利哈乔夫汽车厂开发的中型卡车,也是苏联产量最大的卡车车型之一(差不多340万台),在军事和民用领域都应用广泛,同时也大量出口。 按照载重量划分,130属于中型卡车,介于GAZ-53系列(载重量比较小)和YaAZ系列等(载重量比较大)之间。 从1986年开始,130改称431410。 最开始130是准备替代ZIS-150的,它的研发工作在1953年就开始了。 总设计师是Anatoly Kirinevich Krieger,主要设计师是Georgie Festa,最终由T.P. Kiseleva决定定 …
ZIL-135 – Wikipedia
Der ZIL-135 (russisch ЗИЛ-135) ist ein schwerer vierachsiger Lastkraftwagen (8×8) aus sowjetisch/russischer Fertigung, der ab 1966 in Serie produziert wurde. Er wurde im Sawod imeni Lichatschowa entwickelt, die Serienfertigung fand jedoch ausschließlich in Brjanski Awtomobilny Sawod in Brjansk statt.
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