ZIL-4112R - Wikipedia
The ZIL-4112R is a luxury car with a limousine body type built by ZIL a Russian automobile manufacturer of Russia. Developed as a further development to the earlier ZIL-41047, the ZIL-4112R was primarily intended to serve as an official state vehicle for …
ZIL 4112-R: A Cold War relic resurrected - Digital Trends
2012年9月11日 · The ZIL 4112-R was designed for Soviet dictators, but now its maker wants to sell this limo to Russia's post-Cold War heads of state.
其搭载的 V 型 7.7 升发动机,摒弃了传统的化油器供油系统,转而采用先进的燃油喷射系统,这一改进使得发动机效率大幅提升,动力显著增强,功率从原本的 315 马力跃升至 340 马力。 同时,该车的传动系统也进行了优化,配备了 5 速艾里逊(Allison)自动变速箱,换挡更加平顺高效。 在散热方面,重新设计的冷却系统别具匠心,以一个更大尺寸的散热器和两个强劲的电动风扇组合,取代了过去单一的皮带驱动风扇,从而确保车辆在各种工况下都能保持良好的热管理状态, …
ZIL 4112 R specs, performance data - FastestLaps.com
2006 ZIL 4112 R specs, performance data, engine specifications, pictures.
ЗИЛ-4112Р — Википедия
ЗИЛ-4112Р — проект автомобиля представительского класса с кузовом типа лимузин. С распадом СССР на карте мира появились Россия и другие новые государства. Не могли не сказаться общественные изменения и на правительственных лимузинах, обслуживающих первых лиц в государстве.
ZIL "Zavod imeni Likhacheva" - GlobalSecurity.org
Aesthetically the 4112-R is essentially the same as the limousine that ZIL built in the 1970s and the 1980s. The design has been updated for the 21st century with plastic body-colored bumpers,...
ZIL-4112R Details, Photos and Videos
2019年6月13日 · The ZIL-4112 is a luxury car with a limousine body type built by ZIL of Russia. The vehicle was dubbed "Limo Number One" and was ...
2012年9月6日 · According to reports moscowtimes.com magazine, the Russian president has not liked the design of this model Zil-4112R, which is a traditional producer of vehicles for Russian officials. Prototype is powered by a 7.7 liter displacement engine whose power is transferred six-speed automatic transmission.
ZIL-4112R — Wikipédia
Surnommée "Limo Number One" , la 4112 a été spécialement développée pour le président russe, et sa mise au point a duré six ans. Ce lourd véhicule est propulsé par un gros moteur de 7,7 litres, et dispose d'équipements raffinés, comme une sellerie en cuir de veau ou bien un système vidéo permettant aux passagers de regarder à l ...
This Massive And Boxy Armored ZIL-4112R Limo Ferried Russian
2022年1月24日 · ZIL-4112R has six doors and a 7.7-liter fuel-injection gasoline engine connected to a 6-speed automatic transmission. It outputs 400 hp (298 kW). The vehicle weighs 3.5 tonnes, has a top speed of 125 mph (201 km/h) and has a fuel efficiency of 11 miles per gallon of fuel (25 liters per 100 km).
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