梅季希机械厂用ZIS-150和ZIL-164底盘制造的那些自卸车 - 哔哩哔哩
我们先从zis-585开始讲起,zis-585是一种由梅厂生产,载重量3.5吨的建筑用自卸车,使用zis-150底盘,从1948年5月开始生产。 ZIS-585,1949年版 一开始梅厂使用的是普通的ZIS-150底盘,通过把车尾一部分底盘切掉的方法来制作自卸车底盘,1953年开始,ZIS-120G型底盘开始 ...
List of ZiL vehicles - Wikipedia
ZIL-585 (1957-1966, dump truck based on ZIL-164) ZIL-2502 (dump truck based on ZIL-5301) ZIL-3302 (1992, prototype truck based on ZIL-119) ZIL-3906 (off-road vehicle based on the ZIL-4327) ZIL-4305 (1983, prototype truck based on ZIL-4104) ZIL-4311 (1976, prototype replacement for ZIL-157)
ZIL-164, ZIL-MMZ-585L, ZIL-166 - SovAvto Catalog
2002年2月10日 · Basically, ZIL-164 replaced the previous ZIL-150 based trucks. Their only outward difference was that ZIS-150 had a horizontal radiator grill design while ZIL-164 had a vertical one; however, many functional parts were different. Then, from 1961-1964 the base truck ZIL-164A came to the assembly line.
ZIS-MMZ-585 – Wikipedia
Der ZIS-MMZ-585 (russisch ЗИС-ММЗ-585) ist ein Baukipper des sowjetischen Herstellers Mytischtschinski Maschinostroitelny Sawod (kurz MMZ) in Mytischtschi. Er nutzt das Fahrgestell des ZIS-150 und war zwischen dem kleineren GAZ-93 und dem größeren MAZ-205 angesiedelt.
ZiL - Wikipedia
OJSC AMO ZiL, known fully as the Public Joint-Stock Company – Likhachov Plant (Russian: Публичное акционерное общество – Завод имени Лихачёва, romanized: Publichnoye aktsionernoye obshchestvo – Zavod imeni Likhachyova) and more commonly called ZiL (Russian: ЗиЛ), was a major Russian automobile, truck, military vehicle, and heavy equipment manufa...
Oldtimer gallery. Trucks. ZIS-585
ZIS-MMZ-585 Years of production: 1949 - 1957 (-1966, see ZIL-585) These pictures are from family album, 1954. ZIS-150 based ZIS-MMZ-585 was main dump truck of 1950s, judging on their amount. Their production was organized in Mytishchi, few kilometers from Moscow, on MMZ (Mytishchi Machine-building Plant (Zavod)).
ZIL MMZ 585L - Old Dump Truck Restoration - BEFORE & AFTER - YouTube
2023年7月29日 · In this video You can see the ZIL MMZ-585L before and after restoration. Hear the engine sound and see the truck driving.00:00-02:42 - Before Restoration02:4...
"0180 АХВ" photos ZIL ММЗ-585. USSR - platesmania.com
photos, License plate USSR: 0180 АХВ, ZIL ММЗ-585,
混凝土底座上的前苏联ZIL-MMZ-585L自卸卡车 - 腾讯新闻
2024年12月2日 · ММЗ(ММЗ-585的缩写)这个名字也是继承而来的:米季希的机械制造厂早在ЗИС-150的基础上就生产过这种自卸车。 为了生产自卸车,ЗИЛ制造了带有加长车架的专用底盘。
ZIS-150 - Wikipedia
In 1947 it replaced the ZIS-5 truck on the assembly line. Together with the GAZ-51, it was the main Soviet truck during the 1950s, judging by their quantity. A tractor-trailer version of the ZIS-150, the ZIS-120N was sold from 1956 to 1957.
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