ZIL-5901: How the Soviets Built a Land-and-Water Rescue Beast
Discover the ZIL-5901, the Soviet Union's legendary amphibious search and rescue vehicle designed for extreme conditions. Built in the late 1960s, this milit...
List of ZiL vehicles - Wikipedia
ZIL-130 ZIL-5301 ZIL-4331 fire truck AC 3.2-40 (ZIL-4331) fire truck AC 3,0-40 (ZIL-4334) AMO-F-15 (1924, ... ZIL-5901 (1970) ZIL-6404 (1997) ZIL-6309 (2000) ZIL-6409 (2000) ZIL-432720; ZIL-432930 (2004) ZIL-433180 (2004) ZIL-436200 (2010) ZIS-5. BM-13-16 on a ZIS-6 chassis. ZIS-42M. ZIS-150.
Experimental search and evacuation unit PEU-2
2018年3月11日 · The ZIL-5901 project proposed the construction of a relatively large three-axle wheeled all-terrain vehicle with a full set of equipment for the simultaneous evacuation of people and space technology.
ZIL - Wikipedia
Zavod imeni Lihaciova (rusă Завод имени Лихачёва (ЗиЛ), cunoscut mai mult ca ZIL sau ZiL, este un fost producător rus de camioane, și tehnică grea, care de asemenea a mai produs automobile de lux pentru foștii lideri sovietici, microbuze, tehnică militară și aerosănii.
利哈喬夫汽車廠 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
採用直列8缸汽油發動機,140匹馬力,帶同步器的3速手動變速箱,油耗為每百公里23升,最高車速能到達140公里。 1958年停產時總產量為2083台。 ZIS-115 (英語:ZIS-115) (ZIS-110的防彈型,車身安裝8mm厚的裝甲,70mm厚的防彈玻璃,底盤也安裝了裝甲,能經受反步兵地雷的爆炸衝擊,車廂內還有一道可升降的中隔玻璃。 自重達到7.5噸。 AMO-懷特:建廠後依靠維修美國懷特(White)卡車的過程中所積累的經驗,自己開始生產載質量為3t的卡車。 使用了該廠自己 …
这台车子用了两台ZIL-123F发动机,每台120马力,用4个150L油箱喂饱,1台三速 自动变速箱 传动,八个巨型的轮胎,最高时速智能跑到40km/h。 这玩意不看就不是什么善茬,实际上它是用来装导弹的,陆上能跑,水上能游,哪里都是导弹发射平台,把西欧弱鸡们吓得 ...
ArtStation - ZiL-5901 PEU-2
Experimental soviet all-terrain vehicle to search for astronauts landed in the most impenetrable wilderness. Predecessor ZiL-4906 "Bluebird" Model been created like modification for anyone game engine, who can support mods (Farming simulator, SpinTires, Euro Truck Simulator, etc.) Authors: GuS_Corleone ([email protected]) OIM ([email protected])
ZIL-4906 - specifications, modifications, photos, videos, reviews
It was this, the largest combined search engine PEU-2 (ZIL-5901), which appeared in the spring of 1970, had a pair of rear engines ZIL-375 with a total output of 360 hp. This power reserve allowed the machine to develop speed on the ground up to 73 km / h, on the water – up to 10 km / h and could carry 10 people.
ZiL-2906 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1980年代生產的zil-29061則配有兩副由vaz生產的70匹馬力(52千瓦特)引擎 [參 2] [參 6] ,以及四檔的變速器 [參 4] 。 此外,ZiL-29061長4.9米(16英尺)、闊2.4米(7.9英尺)、高2.2米(7.2英尺),略大於ZiL-2906 [ 參 1 ] 。
Images of ZiL 5901 PEU-2 1970 (1024x768) - carswp.com
HD wallpaper for backgrounds ZiL 5901 PEU-2 1970 (1024x768) 1004.05Kb, car tuning ZiL 5901 PEU-2 1970 (1024x768) 1004.05Kb and concept car ZiL 5901 PEU-2 1970 (1024x768) 1004.05Kb wallpapers. Full Resolution Image named Images of ZiL 5901 PEU-2 1970 (1024x768)
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