ZLX Tower Crane Anti-Collision and CCTV
Our new safety feature allowed Tower Crane Operator to view the Hook Block, Jib, Counter Jib and Cabin from our CCTV monitor. It is especially designed for viewing blind spot over the buildings or structures. Load Moment Indicators are vital equipment in measuring distance & working loads for construction site Tower Crane.
关于我们 – ZLX Tower Crane Anti-Collision and CCTV
我们的CCTV系统为每台塔式起重机提供塔式起重机起重作业的现场监控。 ZLX Engineering Pte Ltd is a local-based company which deals in Research & Development of Products and Services to Construction Equipment or Machinery Safety Systems. To provide quality products & services for the tower crane industry, with Customer Satisfaction & Cost Effectiveness as our top priorities.
ZLX Engineering Products – ZLX Tower Crane Anti-Collision and CCTV
ZLX Engineering Products Our Tower Crane Safety Systems are innovative and provide a comprehensive safety assessment for your tower cranes. ONLINE MONITORING DATA-LOGGER & ANTI-COLLISION SYSTEM (ZLX105A)
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Z Star Products – ZLX Tower Crane Anti-Collision and CCTV
Our network camera is especially designed for Saddle Jib & Luffing Jib Tower Crane which has a fixed viewing direction. With network video, users can access Real-time video at any moment to view Live operations of the Tower Crane, from any authorized computer or mobile phone anywhere. (Optional).