2007年6月10日 · Mike, sorry haven't gotten the ZMA SOP yet. Sooner or later it will come. However I did get the ZDC SOP which is probably one of the more detailed SOPs out of all the …
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ZAL18S 120.22 * ZAL188 127.62 * 3303 ZAI_189 126.47 zoa29 133.52 zoa28 135.72 330B zoa07 127.67 zoa02 2303 ...
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miami artcc miami artcc new frequency 126.325 r-40 also on 135.600 r41 as of jan. 5, 2010 updated 119.83 ...
LiveATC Discussion Forums - Index
6 天之前 · ARTCC/FIR/TRACON Maps. Sector maps of Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC), Flight Information Regions (FIR), and Terminal Radar Approach Control …
Wash. Artcc freq. update - forums.liveatc.net
2006年1月19日 · Don't know if anyone has caught this or not but the Northernmost Wash ARTCC sector bordering NY ARTCC freq that used to be 128.525/127.425 has changed frequencies to …
Great feed of Boston ARTCC - forums.liveatc.net
2004年11月18日 · Great feed of Boston ARTCC « on: November 10, 2004, 05:12:25 PM » I must say that being in the NYC area the last frequency I get from departing traffic toward Europe is …
BOS ARTCC 128.05 - forums.liveatc.net
2006年4月27日 · bos artcc 128.05 « Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 01:49:06 PM » >> Was just wondering if any of the BOS ARTCC feeders considered adding in 128.05 to their feeds ? …
LOA for Vero Beach, Ft. Pierce & MIAMI ARTCC
2011年7月14日 · LOA for Vero Beach, Ft. Pierce & MIAMI ARTCC « on: July 11, 2011, 12:19:20 PM » I am working on a school project where I am to design an approach control for an airport …
US ARTCC frequency relay system - forums.liveatc.net
2010年10月29日 · US ARTCC frequency relay system ? « on: October 26, 2010, 04:52:33 PM » In Canada and Europe it is standard for Approach Control and Enroute ARTCC frequencies to …
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