ZP 1202: GM tube for low activities, compensated, dose rate H*10. Thank you!
VacuTec produziert Geiger-Müller-Zählrohre für die Messung von Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma- und Röntgenstrahlung. Sie finden breite Anwendungen bei der Messung des Strahlenpegels zum Strahlenschutz und zur Umweltüber-wachung. In Personendosimetern ist das Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr als Detek-tor zum Standard geworden.
Product Group | Geiger Muller Tubes - Centronic
Our Geiger-Muller tubes are halogen quenched devices having metal walls for gamma detection and thin mica windows for alpha and beta detection. Based on our core products we release many customer-specific variants which incorporate bespoke modification or …
Ruggedized, portable, compact, lightweight instrument. Simple operation: only four push buttons. Built-in RS-232 communication - three channels. Special setup modes accessed via our configuration software. Large, easy to read, digital and analog customized LCD. Display backlight offers bright illumination for use in dark areas.
• detector type: one halogen quenched, energy compensated GM tube (type ZP 1202) and small silicon PIN diode; internal detector switching point 30 mSv/h and 10 mSv/h • radiation detected: gamma and x-rays, according to ambient dose equivalent H*(10). • dose rate measurement range: 0.01 μSv/h – 10 Sv/h • dose measurement range:
Detector type: two halogen quenched, energy compensated GM tubes (types ZP 1202 and ZP 1304 or equivalent). Dose measurement range: 0.01 μSv - 10 Sv. Dose rate measurement range: 0.05 μSv/h – 10 Sv/h. Calibration accuracy: +5% of the reading in …
1202金属结构声屏障 现场质量检验(评定)表.doc
2018年4月23日 · 金属立柱的规格、材质不应低于设计要求。 所使用的焊接材料和紧固件必须符合设计要求和现行标准的规定。 焊接不得有裂纹、未熔合、夹渣和未填满弧坑等缺陷。 金属立柱、联接件和声屏障屏体在运输时,应采取可靠措施防止构件变形或防腐处理层损坏。 严禁安装变形的构件。 固定螺栓紧固,位置正确,数量符合设计要求,封头平整无蜂窝、麻面。 屏体与基础的联接缝密实,符合设计要求。 实测项目 具 体 检 测 数 …
گایگر مولر ZP1201 , ZP1202 - آرا آزما
این لوله ها برای نظارت بر محیط زیست و بررسی مناطقی که ممکن است مقدار کمی از رادیواکتیو داشته باشند مفید هستند. تولید کنندگان، از جمله Automess، از برخی از این لوله های Geiger-Müller برای سنجش خود استفاده می کنند. Centronic.
GM计数管 ZP 1202 - 机电之家网
2024年4月17日 · 3牌的GM计数管 ZP 1202产品:估价:面议,规格:3,产品系列编号:3
Zoya - Venus .5 oz. - #ZP1202 - Pink Nail Lacquer - Beyond Polish
Our new formula features high pigment, bold shades and 2-coat (unless otherwise stated) full coverage designed to help you express yourself and stand out from the crowd. What makes this formula truly special is its handcrafted, patent-pending production process. This proprietary method guarantees a more vibrant color for your nails.