Zone of Proximal Development – Accelerated Reader
Determining a student's reading level (or a Grade Equivalent (GE) score from a standardized test such as Star Reading) and the student's ZPD will help you set a reading range goal and point goal with the student in Accelerated Reader. The ZPD, however, is approximate.
ATOS ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) - myON
In myON, the ZPD is a range of book levels that are not too challenging and not too easy, depending upon a student's reading level. It can help guide students' reading choices (but not limit those choices). The ZPD is shown in terms of ATOS book levels.
Understanding and Converting Reading Age and ZPD for UK Kids
2020年11月5日 · ZPD means “Zone of Proximal Development” and is normally given as a range. Books in school libraries that use this system are rated by their ZPD score and allow children to pick from books within this range. These books are the ones best suited to …
Star Reading测试学生诊断报告详细解读 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
经过 Star reading 测试,即可得出确切的分析报告,并依次判断每个学生的阅读水平(G.E.:Grade Equivalent学校年级等值水平)。 并能给出不同阅读领域的阅读技能得分,以反映出学生在 CCSS (美国共同核心州立标准)规定的各领域的阅读熟练程度,并提供与之相适应的 ZPD. 第一部分:评价被测试者的总体情况. 测评结果分为了: 绿色At/Above Benchmark(标准以上)四种颜色区域. 黑色小箭头代表被测试学生的程度,该标记落在绿色区域里,说明测试结果很理想,不需 …
近侧发展区间 - 百度百科
近侧发展区间(the Zone of Proximal Development,简称ZPD)是由前苏联发展心理学家 利维·维谷斯基 提出的学习 理论 ,指学习者现时及实际可达到的发展的差距。这个差距是由学习者的独立解题能力及其潜在发展水平而决定的。
The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)…or just right reading range… is the readability range from which students should be selecting books in order to ensure sufficient comprehension and therefore achieve optimal growth in reading skills without experiencing frustration. Think of it as Goldilocks and the three little bears.
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) - Star Help
The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is a term borrowed from psychologist Lev Vygotsky. In Accelerated Reader, the ZPD is a range of ATOS book levels that are not too challenging and not too easy, depending upon a student's reading level.
英语阅读测评系统/软件--Star Reading - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
★AR 体系下为:3.6-5.6,即ZPD值. ★Lexile 分级下为:725L-875L, 这个分值区间对我们后续书籍的选择提供了很多帮助。 Star Reading报告中的 英语阅读能力等级和蓝思阅读的指数所指的内容也是相对应的,甚至可以说涵盖的内容会更全面。 让中国学生享有国外优质英语测评和分级阅读资源! 在开学、期中以及期末重要时间节点,很多的中小学家长、老师希望知道孩子的英语阅读能力情况,比如: 孩子的英语阅读能力与全球的同龄学生相比处于什么阶段? 孩子英语阅读存在 …
Converting and Understanding ATOS, Lexile, and ZPD Ranges
2021年10月8日 · What are ZPD Ranges? If you’re looking at a range of ATOS levels, it may also be expressed as a ZPD range, or a zone of proximal development. Books within this range will challenge a reader while encouraging growth and not causing frustration. Here’s a post on how you convert ZPD ranges to an approximation of reading age. What are Lexile ...
Levels: Book, Interest, and Reading – Accelerated Reader
The ZPD ranges from 0.0 (lowest) to 13.0 (highest). Your child's ZPD is presented as a range (example: 3.2–4.9). The Zone of Proximal Development suggests the book-level range from which a student should be selecting books for optimal growth in reading without frustration. The ZPD is especially useful for students using Accelerated Reader.