ZPP复杂度 - 百度百科
在计算复杂度理论内, ZPP(zero-error probabilistic polynomial time,零错误概率多项式时间)是一个与 机率图灵机 有关的的复杂度类。 这机器永远会给出正确的"是"或者"否"的答案。 这个 …
Zinc protoporphyrin - Wikipedia
Zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) refers to coordination complexes of zinc and protoporphyrin IX. It is a red-purple solid that is soluble in water. The complex and related species are found in red …
Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP), Whole Blood - ARUP Lab
Elevated ZPP results are seen in early and late iron deficiency, the anemia of chronic disease, chronic lead poisoning, and erythropoietic protoporphyria. Elevated bilirubin or riboflavin and …
Medical exams and blood testing for zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) …
2009年12月4日 · The lag in ZPP elevation and decline compared to blood lead levels makes ZPP measurements useful for distinguishing between acute and chronic lead intoxication and may …
In this lecture we will look at some randomized complexity classes: RP, co RP, ZPP, and BPP. We begin with a (very brief) review of P and NP. Pointers are given to the appropriate sections …
ZPP (complexity) - Wikipedia
In complexity theory, ZPP (zero-error probabilistic polynomial time) is the complexity class of problems for which a probabilistic Turing machine exists with these properties: It always …
Zinc Protoporphyrin/Heme Ratio for Diagnosis of Preanemic …
1999年9月1日 · The zinc protoporphyrin/heme (ZPP/H) ratio is a simple, accurate, and sensitive laboratory screening test that detects early iron depletion before the onset of anemia. The …
Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP) | Test Detail | Quest Diagnostics
Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP) - Zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) accumulates in erythrocytes as a result of chronic lead absorption or iron deficiency anemia.
lowlander/zpp: Zephyr C++ Framework - GitHub
ZPP tries to wrap the Zephyr C-API in C++20 without causing to much runtime and/or memory overhead. The current state of ZPP is experimental/early alpha, things are still changing a lot, …
ZPP Blood Test Results Fully Explained - HRF - HRF - Health and …
The ZPP blood test measures the amount of zinc protoporphyrin that is present. There are two primary reasons why this test is ordered. 1. To determine if there has been lead exposure in …