CPU-Z | Softwares | CPUID
Since version 1.51, CPU-Z includes an installer. The installation offers several advantages in comparison to the stand-alone version : The installation creates program entries in the start menu and on the desktop. It installs the right binary (x32 or x64) depending on your system.
CPU-Z - Download
2023年7月10日 · CPU-Z is a tool that provides detailed information about your current operating system. This package can be extremely useful when troubleshooting potential problems, as well as when the user needs to determine which OS version is present before downloading a …
CPU-Z - Apps on Google Play
2024年10月28日 · Android version of the popular CPU identification tool for PC, CPU-Z is a free application that reports information about your device. - System information : device brand & model, screen...
Download CPU-Z - free - latest version - Softonic
CPU-Z is a program that helps you learn more about the core of your PC hardware, offering useful information on its various aspects. The program’s interface has different tabs that individually display the CPU speed and type, RAM speed and amount, motherboard information, graphics card model, etc. 2.
CPU-Z APK for Android Download - APKPure.com
2024年10月30日 · Android version of the popular CPU identification tool for PC, CPU-Z is a free application that reports information about your device. - SoC (System On Chip) name, architecture, clock speed for each core ; - System information : device brand & model, screen resolution, RAM, storage.; - Battery information : level, status, temperature, capacity ;
CPU-Z for Windows - Download it from Uptodown for free
3 天之前 · CPU-Z is one of the most widely used programs worldwide to obtain all the information about the hardware of a PC, whether it is a laptop or a desktop. Specifically, you can get in-depth details about your processor, motherboard, RAM, and graphics card.
The file "cpu-z_1.07.apk" is ready for download. DOWNLOAD NOW! Pleased with CPU-Z ? Please consider making a donation to help support its development. Thanks!
【CPU-Z】CPU-Z 中文版下载 2.10-ZOL软件下载
2024年10月28日 · 使用 CPUZ 可以查看CPU 名称、厂商、内核进程、内部和外部时钟、局部时钟监测等参数。 选购之前或者购买CPU后,如果我们要准确地判断其超频性能,就可以通过cpu-z来测量CPU实际设计的FSB频率和倍频。 *鉴定处理器的类别及名称。 *探测CPU的核心频率以及倍频指数。 *探测处理器的核心电压。 *超频可能性探测 (指出CPU是否被超过频,不过并一定完全正确)。 *探测处理器所支持的指令集。 *探测处理器一、二级缓存信息,包括缓存位置、大小、 …
CPU-Z中文版下载-2025最新CPU-Z 32&64下载2.15 - 系统之家
CPU-Z官方最新版是一款功能强大的系统信息检测工具,拥有精准的硬件识别能力和简洁直观的界面设计,同时还扩展了对主板芯片组、内存规格、显卡信息等硬件组件的检测能力,无论是普通用户还是专业技术人员,都能够快速上手使用。 支持全面. CPU-Z所支持的CPU种类全面,AMD闪龙、速龙等系列、INTER奔腾、赛扬等系列。 启动快速. CPU-Z软件启动速度及检测速度都很快,用户可以通过CPU-Z快速启动检测,随时了解自己的CPU性能。 功能强大. CPU-Z可检测主板和 …
【CPU-Z下载】2024年最新官方正式版CPU-Z 免费下载 - 腾讯软件 …