GitHub - pdsmart/ZPU: ZPU Evo(lution), an enhanced ZPU …
It is a microprocessor intended for FPGA embedded applications with minimal logic element and BRAM usage with the sacrifice of speed of execution. Zylin produced two designs which it made open source, namely the Small and Medium ZPU versions.
ZPU - Wikipedia
The ZPU (Russian: ЗПУ; зенитная пулемётная установка, romanized: zenitnaya pulemotnaya ustanovka, meaning "anti-aircraft machine gun mount") is a family of towed anti-aircraft guns based on the Soviet 14.5×114mm KPV heavy machine gun. It entered service with the Soviet Union in 1949 and is used by over 50 countries worldwide.
从APU到ZPU,你认识几个处理器? - 知乎专栏
AMD推出的处理器,首次将CPU和独显核心做在一个晶片上,把CPU擅长的标量运算与传统上只有GPU才具备的并行 矢量运算 结合起来。 地平线公司 自主设计研发的人工智能专用处理器,用于支撑 深度神经网络。 最为普遍常见的处理器,主要包括运算器和控制单元,除此之外还包括若干寄存器、 高速缓存器 和它们之间通讯的数据、控制及状态的总线。 为优化深度学习算法而专门设计的处理器,通常带有的计算组件。 片上存储器以及管理数据通信和计算流的控制逻辑。 …
A portable software emulator for the ZPU processor - GitHub
A portable software emulator for the ZPU processor with no dependencies. ZPU is an open source 32bit CPU with a GCC toolchain. libzpu allows code compiled with zpu-elf-gcc to run inside a software virtual machine embedded inside another program.
从APU到ZPU,你认识几个处理器? | IC技术圈
带你快速了解从A到Z的各种PU,方便下次技术交 (chui)流 (niu)的时候,能插上几句话! © 2020-2025 IC技术圈的小编们共同所有。 从APU到ZPU,你认识几个处理器? ,带你快速了解从A到Z的各种PU,方便下次技术交 (chui)流 (niu)的时候,能插上几句话!
GannersWay/zpu-1: The Zylin ZPU - GitHub
The Zylin ZPU. The worlds smallest 32 bit CPU with GCC toolchain. The ZPU is a small CPU in two ways: it takes up very little resources and the architecture itself is small. The latter can be important when learning about CPU architectures and implementing variations of the ZPU where aspects of CPU design is examined.
APU~ZPU全掌握! - CSDN博客
2022年1月21日 · 图形处理器(Graphics Processing Unit),又称显示核心、视觉处理器、显示芯片,是一种专门在个人电脑、工作站、游戏机和一些移动设备(如平板电脑、智能手机等)上做图像和图形相关运算工作的微处理器。 GPU的构成相对简单,有数量众多的计算单元和超长的流水线,特别适合处理大量的类型统一的数据。 但GPU无法单独工作,必须由CPU进行控制调用才能工作。 图像上的每一个像素点都有被处理的需要,而且每个像素点处理的过程和方式都十分相 …
APU~ZPU全掌握! - 极术社区 - 连接开发者与智能计算生态
2022年1月24日 · 图形处理器(Graphics Processing Unit),又称显示核心、视觉处理器、显示芯片,是一种专门在个人电脑、工作站、游戏机和一些移动设备(如平板电脑、智能手机等)上做图像和图形相关运算工作的微处理器。 GPU的构成相对简单,有数量众多的计算单元和超长的流水线,特别适合处理大量的类型统一的数据。 但GPU无法单独工作,必须由CPU进行控制调用才能工作。 图像上的每一个像素点都有被处理的需要,而且每个像素点处理的过程和方式都十分相 …
ZPU (@xzpuhigh)'s Shop - Exclusive Merch & Products - Linktree
Explore and shop personally curated products directly from ZPU (@xzpuhigh)'s Linktree store. Find merchandise and unique items. Support your favorite creator with each purchase.
ZPU (processor) - Wikipedia
The ZPU is a microprocessor stack machine designed by Norwegian company Zylin AS to run supervisory code in electronic systems that include a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). [1] The ZPU is a relatively recent stack machine with a small economic niche, and it has a growing number of users and implementations.