锆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鋯 gào (英語: Zirconium),是一種 化學元素, 化學符號 为 Zr, 原子序數 为40, 原子量 為 91.224 u。 鋯的原文名稱zirconium來自 鋯石 (Zirkon),為鋯元素的主要來源 [3]。 鋯石的字源來自 波斯語:زرگون(zargun),字面意思為「似金」。 這是一種銀白色、堅硬且帶有光澤的 過渡金屬,性質與同 族 的 鉿 極為相似,與 鈦 的相似性稍低。 鋯主要作為 耐熱劑 (英语:refractory) 與 遮光劑 (英语:opacifier),而少量的鋯則基於它的高度抗腐蝕性被用作合金用劑。 鋯可 …
Zirconium - Wikipedia
Zirconium is a chemical element; it has symbol Zr and atomic number 40. First identified in 1789, isolated in impure form in 1824, and manufactured at scale by 1925, pure zirconium is a lustrous transition metal with a greyish-white color that closely resembles hafnium and, to …
锆(Zirconium)是一种化学元素,元素符号为Zr,原子序数是40。 锆单质是一种高熔点金属,呈浅灰色。 锆的表面易形成一层氧化膜,具有光泽,故外观与钢相似。
Isotopes of zirconium - Wikipedia
Naturally occurring zirconium (40 Zr) is composed of four stable isotopes (of which one may in the future be found radioactive), and one very long-lived radioisotope (96 Zr), a primordial nuclide that decays via double beta decay with an observed half-life of 2.0×10 19 years; [4] it can also undergo single beta decay, which is not yet observed ...
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Zirconium, Zr, atomic number 40 - Institut für Seltene Erden und ...
Zirconium, often too zirconium, is a chemical element with the element symbol Zr and the ordinal number 40. Its name derives from zircon, the most common zirconium mineral. In the periodic table it is in the 5. Period; it is the second element of 4.
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