ZSE MAXX series - Twin Screw Extruder - Leistritz
The ideal combination of very high specific torque (up to 15 Nm/cm³) and a large volume (OD/ID = 1.66) in one extruder - this is the feature which makes the ZSE MAXX twin screw extruder stand out. An extremely large range of processes benefits from the maximal adaptability of the ZSE MAXX since it has high process engineering relevance.
ZSE 75 MAXX- 双螺杆挤出机 - ZSE MAXX - 同向双螺杆挤出机 - 莱 …
首页 / 产品 / 挤出技术 / 双螺杆挤出机和系统 / zse maxx - 同向双螺杆挤出机 ZSE 75 MAXX- 双螺杆挤出机 适用于产量高达2,500 kg/h的生产
复合材料挤出机 - ZSE 75 MAXX - Leistritz Extrusionstechnik …
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供复合材料挤出机产品详细信息。规格型号:ZSE 75 MAXX,公司品牌:Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选复合材料挤出机产品和供应商采购信息,尽在DirectIndustry。
在chinaplas 2021展会上,该公司展示了目前在国内生产的最大的机型zse 75 cc双螺杆挤出机。 “在此之前,我们最大的机型是60,这次我们把它升级到了75,根据配方的不同,75机型在产能方面相比60,可达到80%,甚至100%的产能提升。
ZSE 75 MAXX - TWIN SCREW EXTRUDER welcome to leistritz
ZSE 75 MAXX - TWIN SCREW EXTRUDER. for production up to 2.500 kg/h . Convincing features. solid machine base - guaranteed vibration-free; high torque; water-cooled three-phase motor; modular screw design with maXXshaft spline profile; Feature: optimized screw geometry.
Example of a ZSE 75 MAXX * * No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the specifi cations provided. The specifi ed values depend on the used material type and its consistence as well as on the environmental variables (temperature, humidity etc.) and further factors.
LEISTRITZ Available Models - MachineTools.com
LEISTRITZ ZSE 75 MAXX. High Torque AND large volume in one extruder Important details: • Largest available extruder range in compounding with consistent OD/ID ratio and high specific torque • Unique combination of vol...
制备高填充母粒,你需要了解这些知识 - 搜狐
2017年5月12日 · zse 75 maxx–48d碳酸钙高填充母粒生产线 作为全球领先的双螺杆挤出机、配混技术和整体解决方案提供商,莱斯特瑞兹于2016年为中国客户提供了数条高填充碳酸钙母粒和纤维级炭黑母粒生产线,赢得了市场和客户的高度认可。
Compounding extruder - ZSE 75 MAXX - Leistritz …
Find out all of the information about the Leistritz Extrusionstechnik GmbH product: compounding extruder ZSE 75 MAXX. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
ZSE 75 MAXX - Plastec USA
Con la serie ZSE MAXX LEISTRITZ toma la concepción ZSE a una nueva dimensión. Las características decisivos para rendimientos más altos: maXXshaft – Alto torque por medio de una conexión de cubo-árbol patentado maXXtorque – Densidad de torque óptima de los tornillos co-rotante (15.0 Nm/cm3)